Today is my birthday (I won’t tell you which one).

Because I was away for the weekend, giving a workshop for the Florida Stars (Spacecoast Authors of Romance), I am very tired and in the mood for a very modest birthday celebration. Going out to dinner.

04317rIn the Regency, modest celebrations on birthdays were the norm, unless you were royalty. If you were royalty BIG celebrations might be in order. Non-royal families would celebrate with a cake or some special treat, but not the big party with lots of presents and balloons and lots of cake and ice cream that we think of when we think of birthday parties.

I much prefer a Regency-style celebration, with my sisters, my brother-in-law, and my dh at a Macaroni Grill. The kids (and the cutest grandson EVER) live out of town and certainly could not come on a Monday. I’m spending a quiet day that I desperately need and dinner out with no dishes to do afterward is my cup of tea!

How do you like your birthdays? Regency-style or with balloons?