Like many of you (and most of the Riskies!) I am off at RWA this week doing writerly, business-y things (or more likely wandering around Disneyworld in my light-up Cinderella shoes–yes, I do have a pair, don’t ask…) . Back to regularly scheduled blogs and lots of conference wrap-up info next week!
If you are at RWA, come and say hi to me at one of these places (or in the bar, where I can usually be found):
Literacy signing, Wednesday 5:30
Grand Central Publishing signing, as Laurel McKee, Saturday 3:00 (Southern Hemisphere Salon One)
NAL signing (as Amanda McCabe), also Saturday, 12:00, Salon Two
Risky breakfast meet-up, Friday at the conference continental breakfast
See you all there!
So sorry that I’m going to miss you at the conference this year! Have fun though, and hopefully I’ll see you next year in New York.
Amanda is here! And so is Megan. I’ve seen them!