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Author Archives: Amanda McCabe/Laurel McKee

About Amanda McCabe/Laurel McKee

Writer (as Amanda McCabe, Laurel McKee, Amanda Carmack), history geek, yoga enthusiast, pet owner!

The Riskies are happy to welcome to the blog for the first time Celeste Bradley! Leave a comment for the chance to win a copy of Rogue in My Arms

“There’s passion, adventure, non-stop action, and secrets that make the pages fly by” –RT Book Reviews

Celeste: Hi Risky Regencies! So nice to be here!

Riskies: Welcome! Tell us about Rogue in My Arms and the whole “Runaway Brides” series…

Celeste: This has been so much fun to write! All daddies, all the time. The Runaway Brides trilogy had the working title of “Three Lords and a Baby.” One day a tiny girl, Melody, is dropped off on the steps of Brown’s Club for Distinguished Gentlemen with nothing but a note claiming that her father is a member of the club. Since most of the club’s members are long past the sowing of their oats, the finger seems to point to the youngest three members, Lord Aidan de Quincy, Sir Colin Lambert, and Lord Jack Redgrave.

In the first novel, Devil in My Bed, Aidan forces himself to face his past and find the woman who broke his heart more than three years past. Madeleine Chandler is running from her own past so fast that she runs right back into Aidan’s arms, at least long enough to get his help in leaving the country. One small lie about having Aidan’s baby doesn’t seem too high a price to pay for temporary sanctuary, until the love she thought was lost returns tenfold. Now with so much more to lose, how can Madeleine confess the truth?

In the second book, Rogue in My Arms, Sir Colin Lambert is searching for the stunning actress Chantal, who rejected him so soundly that he has never looked at another woman since. If he can offer her his new title and wealth, and make their child legitimate, surely she will wed him now? But Chantal has disappeared and Colin must hire saucy theater seamstress Prudence Filby to help him in his search. However, plain and common Pru is really a lady in hiding, protecting her young brother from greedy relations who would steal the inheritance he will receive when he comes of age. Now out of work and broke because Chantal fled town without paying her, Pru and her brother join the search for the flighty actress.

The journey takes them from London to Brighton to Bath, a mad race to catch up with Chantal before she weds another. On the way they encounter scoundrels, players and bandits, along with a string of other lovelorn men hell-bent to find Chantal! When Pru realizes that Colin is a man she could truly love, she can’t bear that he still adores the selfish Chantal. When Colin realizes that Pru is so much more than he first believed, he realizes that he must make a choice. Wed the woman he loves and doom his child to permanent illegitimacy, or try to make a family with the mother of his child?

Rogue in My Arms will be released March 30th! And the third novel, Scoundrel in My Dreams is in progress at the moment. It will tell the poignant story of Lord John “Jack” Redgrave and his journey back from the trauma of war and the discovery of a love he never knew waited for him at home. It will be released in Fall 2010…

Riskies: And what was the inspiration behind this series?

Celeste: I was pondering fatherhood, actually! What makes a man a father? Is it blood? Is it simply a protective instinct? Motherhood is simple and biological–we must love our children. What if any man could learn to be a father, whether the child was his or not? These three men each suspect that Melody is theirs. Yet when they eventually learn the truth, should that change the love that has grown in them? Can letting one little girl into a man’s heart expand it enough to heal old wounds and allow him to love again?

Riskies: Did you come across any interesting or surprising research for these stories?

Celeste: Always! I loved learning about Bath, England. So much fascinating history, dating from Roman times. The story didn’t lend itself to including all the great facts I discovered. I had to be careful it didn’t become “Colin and Pru Go To Bath” because it really could have! I’m going to have to set an entire novel there someday.

In Devil in My Bed I think I enjoyed learning about dumbwaiters the most. I found a lot of 1800 news articles about tragic accidents involving people climbing into dumbwaiters. They would try to use them to get into locked rooms, or to spy on their neighbors, or to escape a bill-collector at the apartment door. Doesn’t that inspire a string of stories in your head??

Riskies: What’s “risky” about this book?

Celeste: Well, I always take risks. I’m notorious for being far-fetched and “history-lite.” I love the Regency era but I can’t resist playing with the facts. I once wrote a book about the Prince Regent clambering through the storm drains with my hero and heroines, but since he would have been close to 80 at the time, I blithely snipped 20 years off his age and went for it. In Rogue, I think the riskiest thing I did was to dispense with a lot of overwrought conflict about class distinctions. As accurate as that might have been to the time, it would have made my characters seems shallow to a modern reader. Besides, money and rank cancels a lot of social errors, even now!

And my love scenes are pretty risky! Of course I have included, as always, my most beloved moment–a bathing scene!–and my favorite device–kidnapping! A Regency novel without a kidnapping is like Star Trek without the Enterprise.

Riskies: LOL! And what’s coming up next for you?

Celeste: I’m very excited about the release of Rogue in a couple of weeks, of course! I’m currently finishing up the third novel, Scoundrel in My Dreams, for publication this fall. I’ll be at the Romantic Times Convention in Columbus in April, and at RomCon in Denver in July. Details are here at my website.

And as I write this I’m on a plane to New York to meet with my agent and publisher about something really new and exciting! Something I can’t tell anyone about yet! It’s killing me to keep quiet, but updates will be on my website very soon.

I’d also like to add a note about my favorite cause, which is Literacy. I believe that most of the evils of the world could be cured with education and the empowerment and tolerance that comes with being well-read. This is a women’s issue as well, since two-thirds of the world’s under-educated are women. A clearinghouse of literacy projects exists at If you’d like more information, visit this website and join the effort to prevent ignorance and intolerance worldwide!

Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s day, yay! It’s been a busy holiday for me this year. I attended the North Texas Irish Festival weekend before last to sign copies of Countess of Scandal and listen to some great music. Last weekend was our local parade and another booksigning–in a pub! (Every booksigning should be in a pub, it makes them way more fun than usual…). Today I’m talking to a local history group about the 1798 Rebellion, and tomorrow a party. But today we’re having a party at the Riskies!

St. Patrick’s Day was only “officially” placed on the universal liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church in the early 17th century, thanks to the efforts of a Waterford-born Franciscan scholar named Luke Wadding, but it was unofficially celebrated in the local Irish churches and in homes from a much earlier date. It’s a holy day of obligation for Irish Catholics (but if it falls on a Friday, the Lenten obligation to abstain from meat doesn’t bind on that day, so bring on the corned beef and lamb stew!). It became a public holiday in 1903, and the first parade in the Irish Free State was held in 1931. In the mid-1990s, the Irish government wisely realized St. Patrick’s Day was the perfect time to showcase Ireland and its culture and increase tourism. They formed the St. Patrick’s Festival, first held March 17, 1996. It was so popular it became a 3-day event the next year, and by 2006 lasted 5 days, with approximately 675,000 visitors. The second-largest Festival is in Downpatrick, County Down, where St. Patrick is rumored to be buried after his death in 461. 30,000 people attended their parade in recent years. Large parades and parties are also held in Belfast, Cork, Derry, Galway, Kilkenny, Limerick, and Waterford.

And the US isn’t left out of all the fun, of course! The first parade was held way back in 1737, in Boston. Other early parades included New York (1762), Philadelphia (1771), New Orleans (any excuse for a party! 1809), and Savannah (1813). In 1780, General George Washington allowed his troops a holiday on March 17 “as an act of solidarity with the Irish in their fight for independence,” which became known as the St. Patrick’s Day Encampment of 1780. (This now seems to be re-enacted on every college campus in the country on March 17!).

So everyone get out their green t-shirts and Chieftains CDs for our Riskies St. Patrick’s Party! Here is what you need for your dinner–shepherd’s pie, soda bread, and a shamrock-tini:

Easy Shepherd’s Pie (aka So Easy Even Amanda Can Make It):
1 1/2 lbs ground round beef
1 small onion chopped
1/2 cups vegetables (chopped carrots, corn, peas)
1 1/2 lbs potatoes (or 3 large ones)
8 tbsp butter
1/2 beef broth
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
Salt, pepper, seasonings to taste

1) Peel and quarter potatoes, boil in salted water until tender (about 20 minutes)
2) While they’re cooking, melt 4 tbsp butter in large frying pan
3) Saute onions in butter until tender over medium heat (about 10 minutes). Add vegetables according to cooking time. Put carrots in with onions, add corn and peas either at the end of cooking onions, or after the meat has initially cooked.
4) Add ground beef and saute until no longer pink. Add salt and pepper. Add Worcestershire sauce. Add 1/2 cup broth and cook, uncovered, over low heat for 10 minutes, adding more broth as needed to keep it moist.
5) Mash potatoes in bowl with remainder of butter, season to taste
6) Place beef and onions in baking dish. Distribute mashed potatoes on top. Rough up with a fork so that there are peaks that will brown nicely.
7) Cook in 400 degree oven until bubbling and brown (about 30 minutes). Broil for last few minutes if necessary to brown.

Easy Soda Bread (my grandmother’s recipe!)
4 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp soda
2 cups buttermilk

Preheat oven to 375
Grease a round pan. Mix ingredients thoroughly before kneading into a ball
Cut a cross into the top and bake for 50-60 minutes
Serve with fresh butter and a Guinness!

1 1/2 oz melon vodka
1 ox melon liqueur (like Midori)
Splash of orange juice

Pour the vodka, Midori, and orange juice into a cocktail shaker. Add crushed ice and let stand for 5 seconds. Shake vigorously for another 5 seconds, strain into a martini glass and garnish with an orange slice!

For dessert, here is a great recipe forNigella Lawson’s Guinness Chocolate Cake! And you have a party…

And, speaking of nothing to do with St. Patrick’s Day, I got a new cover yesterday! This is for the third of the “Muses of Mayfair,” Thalia’s story To Kiss a Count, out in June! They look quite a bit like the Thalia and Marco in my mind, and her dress is soooo pretty, but I’m still trying to figure out that parasol… (The prequel to this series, To Bed a Libertine, is still available at Harlequin Historical Undone! It’s not Irish, either, but it does feature a Greek Muse who likes a good party)

What are your St. Patrick’s Day plans? What are some of your favorite Irish-set books (or any good books you’ve read lately! I’m in a bit of a reading slump and need to find something new…)

One of my recent library booksale finds was a book by Maureen Waller, Ungrateful Daughters: The Stuart Princesses Who Stole Their Father’s Crown about Queen Mary II and Queen Anne. It’s a wonderfully fascinating story, and it struck me as I read it that I know so little about this period! Somehow after the shenanigans and drama of the Restoration period, my interest peters out until the mid-18th century. I knew the basics of the Glorious Revolution and how it led to the Hanoverian succession, but most of what I knew of Queen Anne came from the old BBC costume drama The First Churchills. I’m not sure why, as it seems this period has tons of drama of its own! It also seems a good topic to begin Women’s History Month…

And yesterday, March 8, marked the anniversary of the accession to the throne of Queen Anne in 1702. (For a great account of her reign I pulled out another booksale find from a few years ago, another book by Waller called Sovereign Ladies: The Six Reigning Queens of England).

Anne Stuart was born on February 6, 1665 at St. James’s Palace in London, the second daughter of James, Duke of York and his wife Anne Hyde (she and her older sister Mary were the couple’s only children to survive to adulthood). She spent part of her childhood in France after being sent there for medical treatment for an eye condition, living first with her grandmother Queen Henrietta Maria and then with her aunt Henriette, Duchess of Orleans. She returned to England after her aunt’s death in 1670.

In 1673, she met the woman who would be her best friend (and eventually worst enemy) Sarah Jennings, who later married John Churchill. Also in that year her father’s conversion to Catholicism became public knowledge, though Anne and her sister were raised as Protestants. On July 28, 1683 she married the Protestant Prince George of Denmark, her second cousin, a union that proved to be domestically happy if unpopular in the country. Anne set up her own household, with Sarah Churchill as her Lady of the Bedchamber (the two took to calling each other Mrs. Morley and Mrs. Freedman).

Charles II died in 1685 and Anne’s father became James II, who was not well-received by a populace prejudiced against Catholics. The alarm increased when his second wife, the Catholic Queen Mary of Modena, gave birth to a son in 1688 after nearly 15 years of marriage. There were rumors the child had been smuggled into the birth chamber in a warming pan and wasn’t royal at all. Anne, who had gone to Bath for treatment for her gout before the birth, wrote to her sister “I shall never now be satisfied whether the child be true or false. It may be it is our brother, but God only knows…one cannot help having a thousand fears and melancholy thoughts, but whatever changes may happen you shall ever find me firm to my religion and faithfully yours.”

Her sister Mary and her husband, William or Orange, soon invaded England to dethrone James in the Glorious Revolution. In November, Anne was put under house arrest with Sarah Churchill at Whitehall, but they escaped in the middle of the night via a back staircase. When she returned to London on December 19, she was immediately visited by her brother-in-law and pledged her support to him. In 1689 a Convention Parliament was assembled to declare that James had abdicated the throne when he fled to France, and the crown was offered to Mary and accepted jointly by Mary and William, who ruled as the only joint monarchs in British history. Princess Anne and her descendants were to be in line of succession, followed by any descendants of William by future marriages.

Soon after they took the throne, William and Mary granted Churchill the Earldom of Marlborough, but afterwards they were not so congenial. In 1692, suspecting Churchill was a Jacobite, Mary dismissed him from his offices and his wife was removed from the Royal Household. Princess Anne was furious, and left her royal apartments to reside at Syon House, home of the Duke of Northumberland. She was then stripped of her guard of honor, and the guards at the royal palaces were forbidden to salute her husband, increasing the acrimony between the siblings.

Mary died of smallpox in 1694 leaving William to reign alone with Anne as the heir apparent since William and Mary were childless. William, seeking to improve his popularity (always much less than that of his wife), he restored Anne’s honors and allowed her to live at St. James’s Palace. He also restored Marlborough to his offices, and in return Anne gave her support to his government. Also in this period, Anne suffered an immense personal loss. By 1700, she had been pregnant at least 18 times, 13 times miscarrying or giving birth to a stillborn child. Of the remaining 5, 4 died before the age of 2, and only one son, William, Duke of Gloucester, survived. He died at the age of 11 on July 29, 1700, prompting a succession crisis. The line could not be left open for James II or his son, James Francis Edward Stuart, to return. Parliament enacted the Act of Settlement in September 1701 which stated the crown (in the absence of any more children from Anne) would go to Sophia, Electress of Hanover (descended from James I through his daughter Elizabeth, the famous “Winter Queen”) and her descendants, putting in place the Hanoverian succession.

William died on March 8, 1702 and Anne was crowned on April 23, 1702. Her reign began by becoming embroiled in the War of the Spanish Succession, which would dominate policy until the last years of Anne’s reign. Anne appointed her husband Lord High Admiral, in control of the Royal Navy, and Lord Marlborough was made Captain-General of the Army (and a duke), while Sarah became Mistress of the Robes. Another notable mark of the reign was the development of the 2-party system (Anne preferred the Tories and only “endured” the Whigs. The Churchills’ support of the Whigs led to the souring of their friendship). For more information on the twisty politics of Anne’s reign you can look here or here.

Anne’s husband died in October 1708 and Anne was stunned with grief, which led to an upheaval in her government. She herself died on August 1, 1714 after years of ill health. It was said her body was so swollen and large a special immense, square coffin had to be ordered for the funeral at Westminster Abbey. (Her wax funeral effigy can still be seen at the Abbey). Her heir, Electress Sophia of Hanover, had died a couple months earlier, and her son George became King of England (George I).

A useful biography is Queen Anne by Edward Gregg, but the Waller books are more fun. 🙂

Do you know very much about this period? Who is your favorite of “the six reigning queens of England”? (According to Sovereign Ladies, they are Mary I, Elizabeth I, Mary II, Anne, Victoria, and Elizabeth II). What’s a historical period you’d like to learn more about?

And for fun, I have a post on Oscar fashions at my own blog today! Go and vote for your favorites (I liked Anna Kendrick, Penelope Cruz, and Rachel McAdams a lot…)

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