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Author Archives: Amanda McCabe/Laurel McKee

About Amanda McCabe/Laurel McKee

Writer (as Amanda McCabe, Laurel McKee, Amanda Carmack), history geek, yoga enthusiast, pet owner!

Murder at Westminster Abbey-1It’s April 1, which means (no fooling!) Murder at Westminster Abbey (book two of The Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries) is launched at last!  I get so nervous when it’s the release date for a book, sort of like watching a toddler take their first few steps on their own.  They are their own person now, not just mine, and it’s scary and exciting and great.  (I also love seeing them on shelves, real books with covers and everything!)

I’ve loved working on this series, not just because it’s a new genre challenge (historical mystery, with a dollop of romance, rather than vice versa…), but because I love getting to spend so much time with one character.  I feel like I’ve gotten to know Kate, a court musician and friend to Elizabeth I, very well.  In book one (Murder at Hatfield House), she was young and a bit naive, having lived all her life in the countryside, but also with an intelligence and shrewdness that comes from watching everyone around her (her father, who was once a court musician to Queen Katherine Parr; Princess Elizabeth and her household…) walk the tightrope of dangerous Tudor politics.  In Westminster Abbey, she learns even more about the world of a royal court, who to trust, who to watch closely, and when to fight back.  She’s good-hearted and loving, artistic, loyal, observant, and stubborn, and she’s started to feel like a friend of mine. 🙂

Murder in the Queen's GardenSo I’m happy to say she’ll be back with even further adventures next year!  Murder in the Queen’s Garden will be out in February 2015, and I am loving the research behind this story, too.  Nonsuch Palace, alchemy and astrology, and the hoards of royal suitors knocking at the new queen’s door–not to mention a romantic choice for Kate.  (will it be the dashing, daring–and unreliable–actor Rob?  Or the handsome, intelligent, brooding attorney Anthony??  If you’ve read the stories, who would you choose for her?)

Also–a winner!  The winner from last week’s post is Louisa Cornell!!  Louisa, email me at amccabe7551 AT yahoo and let me know if you prefer hard copy or ebook…

And here’s a look at the book on Amazon!!!

And my own site, where you can read an excerpt and check out some behind-the-book history…

I hope you enjoy Kate’s adventures at Queen Elizabeth’s coronation as much as I did!

Murder at Westminster Abbey-1Carmack once again delves into the Elizabethan Age, in all its drama, treachery, and religious mania, with this richly textured second outing for court musician Kate Haywood (after 2013’s Murder at Hatfield House)…In Carmack’s hands, this period whodunit is deliciously detailed but never heavy-handed. –Publishers Weekly

Hello, Riskies!  I have been buried in my writing cave for a few weeks (thanks for all our lovely guest bloggers filling in!), but now I have to pop up to say…I have a new book coming out!  Murder at Westminster Abbey, book two of my Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries, is out April 1!  It’s up for pre-order at Amazon, but I will be giving away one signed copy to a commenter on today’s post.  Here’s a look at just a little of the fun research I did on the coronation of Elizabeth I…

1559. Elizabeth is about to be crowned queen of England and wants her personal musician Kate Haywood to prepare music for the festivities. New to London, Kate must learn the ways of city life…and once again school herself as a sleuth.
Life at the center of the new royal court is abuzz with ambition and gossip—very different from the quiet countryside, where Kate served Elizabeth during her exile. Making her way among the courtiers who vie for the new queen’s favor, Kate befriends Lady Mary Everley. Mary is very close to Elizabeth. With their red hair and pale skin, they even resemble each other—which makes Mary’s murder all the more chilling.
The celebrations go on despite the pall cast over them. But when another redhead is murdered, Kate uncovers a deadly web of motives lurking just beneath the polite court banter, and follows the trail of a killer whose grievance can only be answered with royal blood.

When I started writing Murder at Westminster Abbey, I had lots of fun digging through boxes looking for photos and scrapbooks of my trips to England, and I got to revisit my very first visit to Westminster Abbey! It was a rainy, stormy day, and I had just arrived in London after a long overnight flight. The hotel room wasn’t yet ready, I was jet-lagged and a bit silly with lack of sleep and too much Chardonnay (I am a terrible flier!). So what could be better than a few hours wandering around in the cool darkness of Westminster Abbey, out of the rain?

For a lifelong history geek like me, the Abbey was a magical place. I spent hours at Poet’s Corner, visiting Chaucer and Browning. I stumbled across Anne of Cleves, Margaret Beaufort, and Aphra Behn, and stood atop where Oliver Cromwell once lay, before the Restoration came and he was dug up again. Best of all, I found myself nearly alone for a few precious minutes at the tomb Elizabeth I shares with Mary I.

It was wonderful to revisit my memories of that trip (and re-watch a DVD of William and Kate’s wedding, just for research on cathedral details, of course!). It was also a lot of fun to delve deeply into the events surrounding Elizabeth I’s coronation—I almost feel like I could have been there now, and met all the historical figures who played a part in the glittering events. I loved weaving the real pageantry with my fictional characters and what happened to them on those momentous days in January 1559.

ElizabethCoronationQueen Mary’s funeral was on December 14, 1558, and Elizabeth then moved to Whitehall Palace to celebrate the Christmas season with a series of feasts and dances, organized by her newly appointed Master of the Horse, Robert Dudley. But there was work to be done as well as dancing, a household to organize, counselors to appoint, and a coronation to plan. The city, which had been quiet and somber for the last months of Queen Mary’s sad life, sprang to life. Viewing stands were built, streets graveled, the river cleaned up, and vast quantities of cloth of gold and silver, silks, velvets, and satins were ordered. Seven hundred yards of blue cloth was laid as a carpet from Westminster Palace to the Abbey. Despite the economy of re-making Queen Mary’s royal robes for Elizabeth’s more slender figure, the Exchequer paid out more than 18,000 pounds.

Dr. John Dee, the new queen’s favorite astrologer, laid out a horoscope predicting January 15 as the best date for the coronation. He didn’t predict the fact that the weather would be gray, cold, and icy, but the party went on. On January 12, the queen boarded her barge at Whitehall and processed along the Thames to the Tower, where new monarchs traditionally slept before their coronation. Accompanied by dozens of other barges, musicians, the Mayor and his aldermen, she floated past hundreds of people lining the riverbanks to toss flowers and shout their approval. (The poor victim in my story, Nell, watches this procession before she sadly loses her life. She’d heard from her grandmother about Queen Anne Boleyn’s procession, and wants to see Queen Anne’s daughter go by now…)

On leaving the Tower, Elizabeth processed four miles through London, wearing 23 yards of cloth of gold and silver trimmed with ermine, riding in a white litter lined with gold and drawn by white mules. Trumpeters proceeded her, and her household rode behind, dressed in their finest red velvets and furs to watch five stately pageants that symbolized the new beginning of the reign. I loved having my heroine, Kate Haywood, ride behind the queen, taking it all in.

As for the coronation itself…you will just have to read Murder at Westminster Abbey for a glimpse of it!

Here are a few of the resources I found useful:

–Greville Cook, Queen Elizabeth And Her Court Musicans (Musical Times, 79, 1918)

–AL Rowse, Elizabeth’s Coronation (History Today, III, 1953)

–Lawrence E. Tanner, The History and Treasures of Westminster Abbey, 1953

–Neville Williams, The Coronation of Elizabeth I (Quarterly Review, 597, 1953)

–WI Woodfill, Musicians in English Society from Elizabeth to Charles I (1953)

What are some of your favorite historical sites?  If you could visit any royal coronation, which would it be???

Posted in Giveaways | 5 Replies

Hello, everyone!  It’s so nice to be back in  Bloglandia for a while.  It feels like it’s been a long and….interesting….winter, and I’ve never been more grateful for great books to read and things to write.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASpeaking of things to read….my publisher just sent me a few extra ARCs of my next Amanda Carmack mystery (Murder at Westminster Abbey, book two of the Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries, out in April).  So let’s give them away today!  I have 4 copies, so 4 commenters will be winners.  And now I’m diving back into revisions for The Book That Will Never End (affectionately called, of course…)



See more at Amazon

Murder at Westminster Abbey-1

1559. Elizabeth is about to be crowned queen of England and wants her personal musician Kate Haywood to prepare music for the festivities. New to London, Kate must learn the ways of city life…and once again school herself as a sleuth.

Life at the center of the new royal court is abuzz with ambition and gossip—very different from the quiet countryside, where Kate served Elizabeth during her exile. Making her way among the courtiers who vie for the new queen’s favor, Kate befriends Lady Mary Everley. Mary is very close to Elizabeth. With their red hair and pale skin, they even resemble each other—which makes Mary’s murder all the more chilling.

My own website (sadly behind on updates, which are getting done this weekend, but lots of Elizabethan info and pics…)

So what have you been doing this winter???  Read anything good lately?  what will do you when (if) it warms up??  Do you like mystery series with a recurring character?  (I’m finding I love getting to stay with Kate for multiple books and see how she grows and changes.  She gets a bit of romance in this book, too….)

Posted in Giveaways | 5 Replies

Andrea4CoverWe have Tuesday winner announcements!

Lesley A you have won our Cara Elliott giveaway!  And Amy Kathryn, you have won an ARC of my next Amanda Carmack book, Murder at Westminster Abbey!  Please email me your contact info at Amccabe7551 AT yahoo

Meanwhile, I am continuing to get better every day!  Reading lots of books and drinking lots of tea.  Back with a proper post next week

Murder at Westminster Abbey-1So many lovely new Risky books lately!!!  I am headed to the hospital today for surgery (hopefully just one night there, then I will be home again), and I have my Kindle loaded with new books and my stuffed Hello Kitty in my bag to keep me company.  In the meantime, I think a giveaway would be a good thing…

The second in my Amanda Carmack “Kate Haywood Elizabethan Mysteries” is out in April!  Murder at Westminster Abbey is set around the festivities of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation (which was tremendous fun to research!).  I just got a boxful of ARCs last week, and will give away one of them to a commenter on today’s post!  Just let us know what you’re reading lately, some of your favorite get-well-quick tips, whose coronation you would have liked to attend, anything you like.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASee you all next week!

Posted in Giveaways | 5 Replies
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