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Category: Risky Regencies

“Where do you get your ideas?” It’s a question that writers often encounter. I’ve heard some interesting answers: “The idea fairy.” “The people in my head.” “The dog.” My DH on the other hand, often gets the reverse question: “Your wife writes romance? Do you give her lots of ideas? Do you help her with the love scenes? Heh heh.” Or his favorite: “Is that you on her cover?” Luckily he’s a great sport and quick with a come-back.

But when someone asks me that question, I always want to ask it right back. Where do you get your ideas? Writers are just like everyone else. They pull little pieces of their world apart and fit them back together to come up with something entirely new. It can happen with an idea for a book, for the latest and greatest techno-gadget, for a fundraiser, for a fabulous scrapbook page. We all get inspiration sometime.

The idea for my latest book, An Improper Aristocrat, came from several puzzle pieces in my head. I’d just seen the movie National Treasure. The family enjoyed it. I loved the history and the race from clue to clue, but I did wish the romance had been a little more central! And I thought “Why not?” Why couldn’t a romance be based around a face-paced adventure? I knew I wanted to stick with the period around the Regency. I knew that there was a fascination for the Egyptian culture in the period, and how it had begun. I loved the Indiana Jones and Mummy movies, too. I thought it would be fascinating to have a Regency version of an antiquity hunter. Et voila! The first germ of the Earl of Treyford was born! I started researching Egypt in the period and discovered that the English and the French were involved in a race to obtain Egyptian antiquities. What could be better? I discovered Giovanni Battista Belzoni–and I think that the Riskies are familiar with my fascination with him! I thought I wanted to have some fun making up an ancient legend or two, and gradually the characters became real and the story unfolded in the way these things happen. I had the grandest time with Trey and his half-Egyptian novelist heroine, Chione, and I hope that readers will, too. Here’s a quick blurb:

“Navigating the Nile to uncover the antiquities of Upper Egypt might sound perilous, but Niall Stafford, the Earl of Treyford finds it infinitely safer than sailing the fickle waters of the Beau Monde. He is back in England and on dangerous ground when a deathbed pledge has him delivering an ancient artifact to a colleague’s sister.

Desert bandits are more easily managed than Miss Chione Latimer, but her fascinating mix of knowledge and innocence arouse far more than his protective instincts. Can such an improper aristocrat learn to be the true gentleman that Miss Latimer deserves?”

So, that’s where the idea came from! Now won’t you share some of yours? Have you come up with a better mousetrap, a great recipe, an idea for the perfect TV show? We want to hear! And I’ll send a copy of The Improper Aristocrat to one commenter…

Amanda and Megan continue with their holiday conversation today, in a bid to avoid actually, y’know, working on writing or wrapping those presents or baking those cookies.

Amanda: Okay, so here is the story of one of the best Christmas gifts I ever received (a bit like the BB gun in The Christmas Story)–I got something called “Fashion Plates” when I was about 6 or 7. These were bumpy little plastic plates, pics of various dresses, tops, skirts, etc. You could slide them into a frame, cover them with a piece of paper, and draw over them (like brass rubbings of tombstones). I could create my very own fashionable outfits, in all sorts of colors! (As long as the color was included in the Special Pencils that came with it, that is). Sadly, the clothes were actually quite ugly, and I often put together ensembles worthy of Go Fug Yourself, but I loved it. I think it started me on the road to fashion obsession…

And right now I am obsessed with a Barielle nail polish (I think it’s only available at CVS) called, wonderfully, “Misbehaving Mistress.” It’s a great graphite gray, perfect for holiday dress-up but not as predictable as red.

And I am telling everyone to run to the movies and see Rachel Getting Married. I know sometimes I like some sorta crappy movies for the wrong reasons (great costumes, hunky actors, whatever), but this was excellent. A great movie about the nature of families, loss, guilt, love–and with a fabulous wedding. When I get married, I must have samba dancers at the reception. And I was surprised by how terrific Anne Hathaway was.

What are you obsessed with lately?

Megan: I am obsessed with wringing every last bit of BBC drama from my Netflix subscription (a birthday gift, btw!). I’ve been watching Damian Lewis in The Forsyte Saga, and have many more family tragedies in the queue.

Amanda: Oh, yes, more family tragedy please! (as long as it’s just in the movies, natch). I also loved The Forsyte Saga (part one more than part two–Fleur got on my nerves). Don’t you just love Irene’s hats? And that red velvet gown?

Megan: I thought she was just lovely. Great speaking voice, too!

Amanda: I, too, am utterly addicted to Netflix. Currently there are something like 79 movies in the queue, but I’m always looking for more! I just finished Our Mutual Friend, and could not figure out where I had seen that psychotic schoolteacher before…

(Note from Megan: Psychotic Schoolteacher sounds like a good name for an indie-rock band! Amanda: I concur.)

Anyway, then the new Sense and Sensibility came on last night on PBS, and it turns out he was Colonel Brandon! He was sorta psychotic there, too, but in a better way. (Dominic Cooper still looked like an untrustworthy toad, though. Maybe there should have been more shirtless moments, like in Mamma Mia. One of those craptastic movies I loved, btw. Can’t wait for the DVD)

So, what’s next on your Netflix list?

Megan: I’ve got Derek Jarman’s Caravaggio, starring a very young, frequently naked Sean Bean, heading my way. Note from Amanda: I put this one on my own queue immediately. Next up is perhaps Dragonwyck, which I talked about last week, starring Vincent Price, based on an Anya Seton novel. Maybe Mayor of Casterbridge with Ciaran Hinds? Not sure, because that pesky Spouse isn’t as avidly interested in this fine BBC output as I am. So, Gone Baby Gone is there, as is Drunken Master II and the Director’s Cut of Bladerunner. All things I want to see, too, but–there are British Men waiting to talk to me. (Hm, sounds like a business venture. Getting British men to do faux phone sex where they tell us how repressed and tortured they are, and how the love of a good woman could set them free. I’d pay for that)

Amanda: Me, too! Most definitely. Phone Sex for Historical Romance Addicts. Might be a new direction for us in this economy…

Speaking of which–tell us more about this nekkid Sean Bean. Wasn’t he the inspiration for one of your heroes?

Megan: Yeah, ’cause it’s really only one of three men who inspire me and my writing. Clive Owen, Sean Bean, and Richard Armitage. The book I’m in the midst of now is basically if Richard Sharpe got done a bad turn and met a woman who could actually keep him for longer than one book. I like writing someone who’s as bad-tempered as this hero, it’s fun saying the things I always long to say in real life.

And the contemporary I have in mind also features Mr. Bean (Sean, not the comedian one), only even sharper (ha!) than the Sharpe hero in the historical. In that book he’s a law student who makes money as a road manager for a band. My heroine is a bass player in a wedding band. Mayhem ensues. (I’ve just revealed my synopsis skills! Impressive, huh?)

Amanda: Hey, way better than mine! When I try to outline a story it comes out something like “It’s a Regency, or maybe Georgian. There’s this hero, he’s an actor–but not really, maybe he’s a spy or something. There’s a heroine, she does stuff, too. Maybe she’s a writer, or an opera singer. No, she raises Shetland ponies! They meet, and they hate each other, but not really. They have sex. Then interesting stuff happens before they get married. There’s a villain, too. But I’m not sure yet what he does. Maybe a rival breeder of Shetland ponies?”

I guess if the career as operators of a British Men Phone Sex ring falls through, we can’t get a job writing synopses. Sigh.

Megan: Probably not. But, Amanda, besides Orlando, who have you imagined as your hero?

Amanda: Well, my stable of heroes (ha! I love that image) is much wider than yours. The hero inspiration changes with each book, though Orlando is often there. (For High Seas Stowaway, I used lots of pics of him from Pirates of the Caribbean 3). For the WIP (my Elizabethan Christmas/Dancing With the Stars story–weird, I know, but stay tuned) it’s Apolo Anton Ohno, and for the Irish-set book I am starting after the new year, it’s Rupert Friend in Pride and Prejudice (because he is blond, and an officer in the British Army, and that’s what I could find). I need to find stories for Hugh Jackman and Javier Bardem, too.

For a story idea I have in the starting stages, I need a young-ish hero (he’s younger than the heroine), but am having a harder time with that. Maybe Dominic Cooper (in The Duchess, not S&S!), or Ed Westwick from Gossip Girl? Suggestions welcome, please.

Thus concludes Megan and Amanda’s Gossip Hour! For now, anyway. Now it’s your turn! What was your favorite holiday gift ever? What are your obsessions right now (movies, books, anything!)? And who are your favorite hero inspirations? (and suggestions for Amanda…)

And be sure and join us tomorrow as Deb Marlowe talks about her new book, An Improper Aristocrat!

The Riskies are very happy to welcome Linda Fildew, Senior Editor at Harlequin Historicals! We invited her here to dish about what they’re looking for in new manuscripts, plus some great upcoming titles to watch for in the bookstores. Linda will also be popping in to answer your questions! One commenter will win signed copies of books from Diane and Amanda (Diane will give one book of the winner’s choice from her backlist, seen on her website; Amanda will give one hot-off-the-press copy of her January ’09 book High Seas Stowaway!)

Riskies: Welcome to Risky Regencies! Tell us about the Harlequin Historical program. How many books do you publish each month? What time periods does the line encompass?

Linda Fildew: Thank you for inviting me and the Historical Team onto your blog site! We’re looking forward to answering as many questions as we can.

I am the Senior Editor for Harlequin’s Historical Romance line with responsibilities for acquiring and scheduling the books which appear in both North America’s Harlequin Historical and UK’s Mills and Boon Historical lines. Harlequin is a global company, so keeping in mind what has worldwide appeal is an important part of the acquisition process.

We publish 72 original historical books a year and encourage time periods from Ancient Civilizations–such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt–up to and including the Second World War. We like to offer readers variety in settings, although the Regency period is a key seller and remains ever-popular. Westerns, of course, are particularly popular with North American readers.

We have a 6-book program in both NA and UK–4 at retail and 2 at Reader Service (Direct to Consumer) in North America, 5 at retail and 1 at Reader Service in the UK. All books are available on or Every current title is also available as an ebook download and we are continually adding to our ebook backlist.

RR: What are some upcoming books we should look for?

LF: We have some wonderful books I’d suggest you look for this month! To get you in the Christmas mood, we have a real cracker from Christine Merrill–The Mistletoe Wager. This Regency is packed full of warm wit and sensuality as an estranged couple get snowed in at a festive house party.

Cheryl St. John is guaranteed to stir hearts with her rugged Western hero in Her Montana Man. Protecting people runs through Jonas Black’s blood, and Eliza Jane Sutherland is one woman who needs his strong arms around her.

Another sexy hero can be found in Deb Marlowe’s Regency An Improper Aristocrat. The scandalous son of a disgraced mother, can the Earl of Treyford learn to be the true gentleman that Miss Latimer deserves?

And something a bit different is Michelle Style’s Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife. We do find that readers love these strong alpha male heroes–honorable and true, he is attractive because you know he will do everything in his power to protect and care for the heroine. It wasn’t the threat of conquest that shook Sela to the core. It was the way her heart responded to the proud face and chiseled body of Vikar Hrutson, jaarl, leader of the invading force–and Sela’s ex-husband! A month full of variety, I hope you agree, packed with that all-vital emotional intensity.

And looking ahead we have more splendid books coming in 2009! Here’s a taster of just a few:

Bronwyn Scott’s The Viscount Claims His Bride is in January. This is linked to her Undone ebook (more on this exciting new program later) where Viscount St. Just has returned home from war and needs now to woo back the woman he left behind.

Outlaws, even innocent ones, just can’t risk doctor’s visits. But Quinn Rowlan desperately needs a nurse for his injured brother. Kidnapping is the only answer. Except Quinn snatches the wrong woman! Kate Bridges’s Wanted in Alaska will steal your heart this February.

In March, we’ve something a little different for Harlequin Historical, with Nicola Cornick’s Kidnapped: His Innocent Mistress which is written in the first person. The emotion is heightened in this sensual tale where the heroine finds herself embarking on an adventure, and is ruined by the wicked Mr. Sinclair!

In April, we are proud to launch debut author Ann Lethbridge with her sensual Regency The Rake’s Inherited Courtesan. We are always looking to take on new talented authors (6 so far in 2008) and do encourage submissions (more on this later!)

Coming in May is a special treat. Three Regency authors who are good friends–well known to the Risky Regencies!–have combined in a wonderful project. The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor is an anthology of three linked short stories featuring three scandalous sisters. Set in a sumptuous villa on the Thames, the family house parties are notorious. Love and mayhem are the order of the day! Sit back and enjoy. The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor is part of Harlequin’s year-long 2009 celebration for its 60th anniversary. (Riskies note: this is the anthology of Diane, Amanda, and Deb Marlowe!!)

There are many more treats in store, so do, please, keep updated on the books we are publishing in Harlequin Historical.

RR: That all sounds wonderful! And you have a new program, too. Tell us more about the “Undone” stories.

LF: Undone is an exciting new venture for Harlequin Historical! Launched November 1, 2008, these short, sexy, scandalous stories appear in ebook format. Available from eharlequin and other ebook distributors. The length is between 10 and 15,000 words, and we encourage submissions for any time period. We’ve widened our horizons and are also encouraging paranormal and time travel stories. We are looking for a high level of sensuality that flows naturally out of the plotline. There should be a strong emotional basis to the heightened attraction–it’s vital the reader can believe in the intense emotion driving the characters as their relationship develops. These stories should be hot, sexy, and subtly explicit without the lovemaking being vulgar or gratuitous. Full guidelines are on eHarlequin’s website. We launched with 4 Undones and will continue with 1 a month. For any aspiring writers who have been daunted by the idea of writing an historical of over 70,000 words, the shorter Undones might now give you the opportunity you’ve been looking for.

Building on the increasing popularity of sensual books in the marketplace, we are also introducing Undone into full-length Harlequin Historical at Retail–one book a quarter–where we are highlighting particularly sensual, provocative storylines. Our first one is Amanda McCabe’s High Seas Stowaway in January ’09, which neatly follows on from her ebook Undone (Shipwrecked and Seduced) in November.

RR: What are some stories you would love to see that haven’t come your way yet? What do you love to see in stories?

LF: I’ll answer this back to front, if I may! What I love to see is a storyline where you can tell the author is in love with her characters. There’s a depth to their personalities which shows that the writer has got to know them intimately and understands what motivates and drives them. It’s how the hero and heroine interact that is key to a good historical romance. The authentic background is important, but it’s the developing relationship between your main protagonists that is key. Take the reader into their world and hold them there with good pacing, natural dialogue, intense emotion, and a strong storyline.

Stories I would love to see? Well, we are encouraging some time travel and paranormal in our Undone ebook stories. If these work well then we could look to bring these different elements into Harlequin Historical itself. We’ve published some Gothic Regencies and a Halloween anthology so we are venturing forth in this area. I’ve yet to see ancient Greek or Egyptian settings. The story would have to be very strong for us to consider it, but we are always open to submissions.

RR: What are the biggest mistakes you see aspiring authors make? What about your own authors?

LF: The biggest mistake–both unpublished and published authors can fall into this trap–is to get carried away by the historical events so that the romance gets moved to the sidelines. I completely understand it must be tempting to use all that research detail, and it is essential research is done to make the book as authentic as possible, but the trick comes in knowing what to put in the story and what to leave out! The main focus of the story should be the relationship.

RR: What brought you to work at Harlequin? What is a typical day at the office like?

LF: I came to publishing because of a love of books, and I’ve been at Harlequin Mills and Boon all my working life. Quite amazing, I know! I joined just before Mills and Boon launched its historical program, then called Masquerade, and was part of the team which got this off the ground. I still have a photo of myself dressed in Regency costume at the launch party! I’ve worked in a number of editorial acquisition roles on the contemporary side of the business, and am most happy to be back now with my first love, Historicals.

There is no “typical” day at the office, which is good because each day presents its own delights and challenges. Most days emails are checked first thing to see what manuscripts have been submitted and what author, overseas, marketing queries have been raised. We have weekly historical team meetings to discuss work in progress and weekly general editorial meetings where we consider the books being put forth for acquisition. There are UK and NA art meetings to look at packaging in both markets, and much careful consideration does go in the whole package from the cover art to title to blurb copy–all must work together to create a buy-me book. For me, the most pleasure I get from the job comes from the author relationships I’ve developed over the years. I’m fortunate in having a truly delightful group of authors with whom to work–assessing the first draft, discussing the revisions, developing winning cover copy and ultimately seeing the books on the shelves. I greatly respect each and every author’s creative ability and take pleasure from the fact that the editor/author collaborative effort produces a book that will be read and enjoyed around the world.

RR: What are your submission procedures?

LF: For full-length manuscripts, we’d ask to see the first three chapters and a 1-2 page synopsis of your complete story. These should come to our UK address which is on our website. We now also accept queries or submissions by email and these should be sent, as a Word document attachment, to

Submissions for ebook Undone should be complete manuscripts only and should be submitted electronically–no partials or queries, please. Submissions should be sent as Word-compatible attachment. Submissions should also follow standard formatting guidelines and should be double-spaced and typed in a clear, legible font on numbered pages. Author name and title should appear as a header or footer on each page. The Historical Undone email address is

Thank you so much, Linda, for taking time out of your (very busy) day to visit us here!

Warning! Rambling and semi-incoherent post ahead. I still have Thanksgiving Carb Brain…

(* I recently read Sarah Vowell’s new book The Wordy Shipmates. While not quite as hilarious as Take the Cannoli and Assassination Vacation, probably because I don’t share her obsession with 17th century New England Puritans, it was still very funny and entertaining. And she did remind me of something. Many years ago there was a wacky TV sitcom about 17th century Pilgrims. Yes, you read that right–sitcom about Pilgrims. On network TV. It was called Thanks, and even featured standard-issue schluby, befuddled sitcom dad and rebellious, sullen sitcom teenaged daughter. It only lasted about 3 episodes, and I have no idea how it was greenlighted in the first place, but it was terrifically weird. With the seeming demise of Pushing Daisies, there is a sad dearth of whimsy on TV now. I wish someone would do a Regency-set sitcom…)

Anyway, I hope you all had a great holiday with your families! I ate too much on Thursday (hence the dreaded Carb Brain–and while trying to finish a book, too!). Friday was “movie day” (Australia–gorgeous scenery, epic romance, Grand Gestures, Hugh Jackman. What more does a movie need? Tonight I am going to see Rachel Getting Married, which is probably about as different a film as there can be from Australia, but it sounds great!). Today is “get out the Christmas decorations” day, if I can get off the couch. Despite the fact that decorating involves 2 of my least favorite things, dusting and vacuming, I like it. My grandmother was a Christmas junkie, and I inherited a lot of her beautiful decorations, so I love remembering childhood holidays at her house.

There’s a lot to be thankful for this year, despite all the bad news. I’m thankful for books to read and books to write (am planning on buying almost all books for Christmas gifts this year! Buy A Book, Save An Author, LOL). I’m thankful for our new President-Elect, for Hello Kitty bric-a-brac, pretty party dresses, the Eiffel Tower (and the chance to see it sparkle at night–most beautiful thing ever), jars of Nutella, how cute my dogs look in their Christmas sweaters. And especially for Risky Regencies, and all of you! I’ve so much loved being a part of this community. I love visiting here every day.

And don’t forget to join us Monday, when Linda Fildew and the Harlequin Historicals editorial team will be here at RR! They will talk about upcoming books, what they look for in submissions, and a lot more, plus taking your questions. Diane and I will each give away a signed copy of our books (Diane will give one of the winner’s choice from her wonderful backlist, and I will give a hot-off-the-press copy of my January release, High Seas Stowaway!)

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