I have nothing special to say today, so you are going to get very random thoughts!
Random Thought 1. I’m fully aware that the writers among us are thinking about or starting NaNoWriMo. I just received my revisions for Book 3 of the Three Soldiers Series, so there’s no way I can NaNoWriMo.
But here’s a tip….If you quickly want to find a series of NaNoWriMo tips, just google “NaNoWriMo tips.” There’s lots out there. (This tip works for anything you want to find, and works on other search engines, too)
Here’s another tip, especially useful for historical writers. Don’t get bogged down in research. If you aren’t sure of something or need more information, just write in “Needs research” and highlight it or put it in a different color font. If you want to be able to search for it easily, put in some searchable symbol, like * or parentheses.
Think how much harder it would have been to do NaNoWriMo in 1816.
Random Thought 2. What if Elizabeth Bennett had email? What might her inbox look like? There is a very clever website called Famous Inboxes by Mark Brownlow that shows us Elizabeth Bennett’s Inbox.
You may have seen this already but it is worth another look. Apparently it caught the attention of a UK Newspaper last month. And, Judy, there is a Lord of the Rings Inbox, too.
I’m just bummed that WE didn’t think of this. It’s right up Carolyn’s or Janet’s alleys. (I hope Janet’s booksigning went well, by the way!)
Random Thought 3. With all the talk of clever costumes last week, I thought you’d be dying to know what I wore to my friend Helen’s Halloween party. So here it is! I’m with my mouse….er, I mean, my spouse. We spared no expense of time or trouble with these costumes. None at all!
Oh! Oh! My books are being featured all week on Novel Works by Jerri Hines facebook fan page. Stop by and leave a comment! Today is Chivalrous Captain, Rebel Mistress day.
What random thoughts are you having today?
If you are doing NaNoWriMo, why are you reading this?
Did you have a fun Halloween?
I’ll be back at Diane’s Blog on Thursday!