Edmund_Blair_Leighton_-_The_Lord_of_the_ManorVery short blog today, my wonderful friends, because I am in the midst of an experience of pure joy!

My son and his wife are the proud parents of a healthy baby boy, born just two days ago, but, let me tell you, the grandparents are even prouder! I’m in raptures!!! I held him for two hours the first day!

I don’t believe in posting photos of children in public places so this print will have to do. It is called “Lord of the Manor” by Edmund Blair Leighton (1853-1922), because this first grandchild is one very special little guy, the lord of my world, at the moment.

If you meet me in person – at the Romance Writers of America annual conference in Atlanta, for instance – I will be MORE than happy to show baby pictures!

P.S. I’m over the moon!!!