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Tag Archives: Amanda McCabe

How many of Amanda’s blogs revolve around fashion? She is our very own fashionista and we depend upon her to keep us up on all the rage from those historical ages.

I thought you might like to see what Amanda looks like when she comes upon a beautiful gown from the past. Here she is, complete with worshipful expression, at the Jane Austen Centre in Bath. The photo is from our 2003 Regency Tour of England.

There’s more!

Amanda and me circa 2000, I think, dressed for the Beau Monde Soiree. This was Amanda’s Titanic costume.

My Regency dress was sewn by my personal modiste, Helen, who made the dress from a pattern created from an actual gown of the early 1800s. I think we could have done a better job of the hat but I love the dress. I just need to lose 20 lbs to wear it again.

Isn’t Amanda’s dress pretty?

Here’s another one. I’m guessing this is 2003.

Again my dress is by Helen, but is made from a Simplicity pattern (we learned our lesson on the real Regency dress!) but made of genuine Regency microfiber (hee hee)

This, I believe, was Amanda’s milkmaid costume and I could just see her alongside Marie Antoinette at the Hameau.

On that Regency tour of England, visiting Bath, we danced with the Jane Austen dancers in the same Assembly rooms where Jane Austen danced. This time Amanda dressed as the perfect Regency young lady.

This past summer at the Beau Monde Soiree, Amanda did not appear. Instead there was this unidentified young dandy. Here he is with, from left to right, Lady Julia (Justiss), Lady Louisa (Cornell), and Princess Keira, lately from India.

See? She is really our Regency fashionista!

Last week Scandalizing the Ton was a Fresh Fiction Featured Pick!
Don’t forget, this coming Sunday my friend Mary Blayney will be visiting. At Wet Noodle Posse we’re blogging about writing challenges.

Anything in particular you’d like me to blog about next week? Just let me know!

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Brace yourselves–I have an actual topic today!

As we might have mentioned, Amanda and I are presenting a workshop at this summer’s Beau Monde Conference entitled, Keeping It Real: Making Your Historical Characters Come Alive. Here’s the brief description:

Just because you’re writing in a distant time period doesn’t mean your characters should be distant to your readers. Join award-winning historical authors Amanda McCabe and Megan Frampton as they discuss how to make your characters come alive through dialogue, attitudes, description and actions, while still remaining true to the period.

Amanda and I will be working on the outline/presentation in upcoming months, and when I saw this article, I realized there were some aspects of ‘keeping it real’ I hadn’t thought of:

Hollywood’s Changing Face of Beauty
From Greta Garbo to Kate Hudson, How Beauty Has Changed in America

The article says that while classic beauties were popular before, quirkier, more “accessible” beauty is what Americans find attractive.

Which, of course, led me to consider what readers find attractive in heroines. If you’re Of A Certain Reading Age, you likely read a lot of those ’80s romances where the heroine was beyond gorgeous: Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect teeth (!–we are reading about English people, remember). The thing that usually wasn’t perfect about them was how they didn’t know they were perfect. Or something lame and punting like that.

Now our heroines have flaws, flaws that make them more real: Their hair is too curly, their hips are too big, their mouths are too wide, their eyes are just plain brown, they are too short or too tall, or whatever. We, as readers, want to read about women who are like us, not perfect goddesses on pedestals.

What do you think our changing attitudes about beauty reveal about us? Do you find Angelina, the Jessicas, Jennifer, Megan F(ox)–not me!, Halle, et al stunning? What do you like about those old romances in terms of their heroines’ descriptions? What do you like about current heroines’ looks?

Thanks for your comments!


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Diane Report:

Number of pages written since past rant of one week ago: 32
Daily average: 4.5
Daily goal: 10 pages
Number of pages to go: 158
New Daily Goal: 12 pages

Deadline: June 2


Good news! I have my new contract in hand. More books. More deadlines…………….


This is the book Amanda said she pines for. She mentioned it in Megan’s Friday post.
Doesn’t this look like Amanda?

(photo of Amanda from our Williamsburg trip)

I’ll be back on Saturday – substituting for Amanda. I’ll give you another update then–on my deadline, not on Amanda.

(Why did I ever get myself into this tight deadline–do you all get yourself into things like this deadline dilemma I’ve gotten myself into?)

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Today–today!–I will open up a new Word document and start writing Road to Desire, the next book in my vastly imagined Road series.


And I owe it all to Amanda McCabe. Let me explain. Amanda is in New York City for business and meetings and such, and is staying in our office/guestroom (which for Amanda’s purposes is a guestroom/office), and she and I and Andrea Pickens went out for a splendiferous meal on Wednesday. As writers do, we talked about writing and our next projects (Amanda is about to turn in one book, will begin another; Andrea just agreed to another trilogy with Grand Central), and I? Well, I had to admit I hadn’t written for months.

So the pressure started. Good pressure. “You’re going to start writing, right?” Amanda asked later in her surprisingly low, not so surprisingly mellifluous voice.

“Mm,” I murmured noncommittally.


“Yeah, of course, right,” I said in a firmer tone.

So here I am. Of course I have a gazillion things to do before that precious moment, but it will happen, sometime today.

Thanks, friends!

(And friends, please vote in our Risky Regency tagline contest. Details here.

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Risky Regencies had some happy news. Amanda’s A Notorious Woman was reviewed in the Chicago Tribune September 29!

The reviewer is John Charles, who does so many marvelous reviews for Booklist, an American Library Association publication. He’s such a great and enthusiastic supporter of Romance. John Charles also was one of the authors of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Ultimate Reading List. Remember? Cara and Amanda and Megan each made the Ultimate list!

Mr. Charles regularly reviews several romance titles at once in the Chicago Tribune, but it is a special thrill to know he was willing to review Amanda’s Harlequin Historical along with books from single title publishers.

Of A Notorious Woman, Mr. Charles says:
“Danger, deception and desire are the key ingredients in “A Notorious Woman,” and Amanda McCabe skillfully brews all these potent elements into a lushly sensual, exquisitely written love story.”

Read the entire review here
(it also has a review of Coleen Gleason’s Rises the Night. See our interview with Coleen here).

There’s a nip in the air, the kids are back in school, Christmas decorations are showing up at Neiman Marcus. It must be……..Romance Writing Contest Season!

And what is the big huge kick off? The Golden Heart and RITA Contests, sponsored by Romance Writers of America.

My pal Kathryn Caskie once dubbed me The Contest Empress because I entered and finaled in and won so many contests. Here’s a sample:

My Marlene medallion

Me accepting the 2003 Golden Heart

The happy Mills & Boon editors and happy me after I won the 2006 RITA for Best Regency.

So it is with great delight that I tell you that The Wet Noodle Posse (2003 Golden Heart Finalists) are blogging this whole month on how to make your Golden Heart entry the BEST it can be. If you are planning to enter the Golden Heart, or any romance writing contest, this month of blogs will give you tips from the experts. We’re all Contest Empresses on the Wet Noodle Posse. Do visit the WNP blog but come back and see us Riskies, too!

Oops! I almost forgot. Come to my website for a sneak peek at The Vanishing Viscountess! Hurry. It won’t be up for long. There’s a new contest, too. And other news…

What is your opinion of reviews and of writing contests? The Empress demands to know!

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