We all have favorite websites and blogs, those places we go to be entertained or to learn things. Here are five of mine, all dealing with the Regency, at least sometimes. It is not an exhaustive list, but five sites I return to fairly often, either because I need them or because they entertain me.
So off the top of my head, 5 websites or blogs I like:
The Georgian Index – so much information here. One of the things I love about this site is I can always find some shop to insert in my books, but there’s so much more here. Here’s an example:
House of Millard/ Millard’s warehouse/draper – No.16 Cheapside – Bengal Muslins, flannels – advertised in La belle Asemblee 1812-3 – (locale) City
– I can have my heroine walk into a draper shop that really existed!
Number One London – this is Kristine Hughes and Victoria Hinshaw’s blog and they never cease to amaze me with the information they provide. And it’s always fun, too. Here’s Kristine’s first report from the Battle of Waterloo reenactment.
Regency Ramble – This treasure is the creation of my fellow Harlequin Historical author, Ann Lethbridge, aka Michelle Ann Young. Ann hails from the UK and she does something I love! She tells us about the flora and fauna of the Regency period, among other things Regency, including fashion prints. Here is her latest. Have you ever heard of a bustard?
Cogitations and Meditations – This is our friend Keira Soleore’s blog and by some magic I cannot perform on my own, Keira made it so I receive her blog in my email, so I never miss a thing. Keira has a miriad of things on her blog, very intelligent things oftentimes. Or very exotic, like this latest Picture Day Friday. Not always Regency, but always interesting.
Wikipedia – I know I know I know. You can’t trust Wikipedia because not all the information is cross-referenced and thus it is susceptible to being false, but, gee, there’s nothing like it to quickly find that elusive fact that probably is not false. I’ve used Wikipedia extensively to find out stuff like Like – When did Queen Charlotte die? (Nov 17, 1818) because I know it happens right in the time period I might be writing about. Or, I recently needed to know something about carriages. I started by looking at Wikipedia. (gig). My Three Soldiers Series required knowing details of the Battle of Waterloo. Wikipedia had great information on the battle and, from my other reading of the subject, it looked accurate.
What are your favorite blogs and websites? Besides Risky Regencies, I mean!
Visit me Thursday on Diane’s Blog where I will show off the bookcover of Chivalrous Captain, Rebel Lady AND give away two prizes – a signed copy of Gallant Officer, Forbidden Lady and the entire set of Amanda’s Muse Trilogy!