I have loads of fantastic news I am so psyched to share! First off, I have found an enthusiastic, energetic champion agent to represent my contemporary women’s fiction book Mothering Heights.

Here’s the first part of the evil synopsis I had to write:

Molly Hagan is overwhelmed.

Her husband left her for a younger, blonder woman six months ago, her six year-old son is questioning her authority, and so is she. In order to pay her Brooklyn rent and keep her son supplied with Pokemon and Legos—not to mention food and clothing—she has to get a job. She’ll never have enough caffeine—ever—and she’s forty years old.

If it weren’t for her son, she’d have thrown herself out the window 5 months and 29 days ago.

But Molly knows that constant mourning isn’t good for her or her son. And it sure as hell won’t pay the bills.

The Champion Agent will be sending the submission out sometime next week. Fingers crossed, all!

Next up, and impacting my future even more, is that my son got into his first choice of middle school, a gifted and talented middle school that is “one of the most sought-after in the city. . . it draws kids from all over Brooklyn and even parts of Queens and Staten Island. It’s a beautifully equipped, first-rate school that provides a firm foundation for entrance to the city’s most selective high schools.” My husband and I are so proud of him. And, like both his parents, he’ll be specializing in creative writing/journalism.

Last, I have been trying to stay on top of that writing horse; last week I shared how I came to choose what my hero (Christian) looked like, and this week, I am happy to say I have an image of how the heroine (Violet) looks. This was easier, since I’ve been wanting to write someone along the lines of Helena Bonham-Carter, A Room With A View period, for ages now. So I am.
You can see some of the other ladies I considered; Kate W. here is too spunky, Kate B. too polished and Emma just too darn young–maybe not polished enough?

But, knowing my penchant for British actors, I will likely use them later on in other works.

Meanwhile, thanks for cheering me on through thick and thin times! The Riskies are great friends to have, whether the five other ladies who post here or the Risky Commenters who join in the convo.
