I’m posting on the fly today and apologize in advance for not being as witty as Megan or as talented a photographer as Carolyn (these are pictures from my front yard).
So we had yet another snow day on Wednesday and today’s forecast doesn’t even hit the 30s. I also haven’t had time to write for most of this month, in part because of the snow day disruptions and also other assorted Dumb Stuff I Have to Do.
So I’m just waiting for spring and waiting for a time when I’m past some of the Dumb Stuff and can get back to my balloonist story.
I’m trying to have a better attitude about missing the writing. What I used to do in situations like this is 1) feel guilty about not writing (because serious writers write every day) and 2) feel guilty about missing the writing (because a proper stroke caregiver and mother is perfectly satisfied with dedicating all her time to her loved ones). Instead I’m just telling myself it’s OK not to be writing (because I really do have some higher priorities right now) and it’s OK to miss it (because I’m human).
And while I’m waiting, I’m trying to live in the moment too. But also thinking about how fun it will be when I can finally put on a skirt and sandals again, and watching those daffodils poke out of the snow. 🙂
How do you cope with waiting?
Let the Darling Offspring look after Daddy and go shoe shopping! Can you? How old is D.O.?
Great suggestion, Susan! I’m also thinking of painting my toenails. Maybe that’ll help bring sandal weather???
Elena, I’ve had disruptions, too. TAXES and then my copy edits for Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy came and then my friends have needed my time and all I want is to get back to the book-in-progress!
I read a book and ignore what I can’t change. If I am reading time goes by much faster and I am accomplishing something. Maybe not what I should be doing, but something.
Sympathies on the disruptions, Diane. Caring for friends is a very worthy one. Hang in there!
Pat, yes, reading is always a comfort.
I deal with waiting very badly.
However, I don’t write every day. Sometimes the other job makes it impossible, so I try to cram the other dumb stuff into the non-writing days. Except for laundry and doing the dishes. When I get stuck in the current ms, I jump up and put in a load of laundry or wash the dishes.
No guilt, though.
I am trying very hard to remember that time spent feeling guilty is best put to use doing something else. Rather than feel guilty I will get up and do one of the HUNDREDS of every day chores I shun when the writing is going well! An hour or so of scrubbing floors, washing dishes or doing laundry is definitely inspiration to put my butt back in the chair and write!
If I am in situation where I have to wait and it is beyond my control I always have a legal pad and pen in my purse and at least one historical romance novel. That way I can read or write while I wait.
I actually never waste time feeling guilty, just energy, i.e. while doing Task A, feeling guilty about not doing Task B. And knowing that if I reversed it I’d still feel guilty!
But I’m getting over all that. 🙂