IMG_0583Oh to be in England
Now that Spring is here
Oh to be in England drinking English beer
–English Drinking Song

By the time you read this, I will be in England (or on a plane getting ready to land at Heathrow). I’m tagging along with Kristine Hughes of Number One London blog. Kristine is going to be offering tours soon and this is her exploratory trip. We’ll be investigating all the wonderful places her tours might visit and meeting experts who might provide in depth information about what we see.

We’ll arrive Monday morning and at six o’clock in the evening, we are scheduled to take a special, small group tour of Buckingham Palace.

The next few days we’ll be walking the streets of Mayfair and meeting experts and visiting places of interest.

Then we’re off to Chatsworth House, for a whole day. We’ll be walking from our hotel, over that bridge.

Then to Derby, where we might see this Pickford Museum

Then to Brighton to spend a day at the Regency Town House

And on to the Pavilion

Finally back to London where we’ll visit my editors at 1 London Bridge, where the new Mills and Boon offices are now located and last, but not least, an evening tour of Apsley House, a fitting ending for two Wellington groupies like us.

Keep track of us on Facebook. We’ll be posting photos of the whole trip.