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Monthly Archives: January 2014

What Not To Bare by Megan FramptonFirst off, I would be remiss if I did not mention that What Not to Bare is discounted, for a limited time, to .99.

And also (this feels as though it’s going to be a very newsy post, so bear with me–ha! see what I did there–while I share) I’ve had a workshop accepted to this year’s RWA National Conference: Angst and Affability: Using Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice to Craft New Adult and Contemporary Romance. I’ll be doing the workshop for the first time at the New England Conference, and I’m excited and nervous about presenting it.

I love going to conferences because it’s a time to connect in person with fellow writers and romance readers, people who know just what I’m talking about when I mention black moment, or DNF, or TBR pile, or any of those types of things.

Also–this is SO NEWSY, my goodness!–I received my RITA books for judging. For people who don’t know, the RITA is an award given to the best books from a year, rather like the Oscars for romance novels. And it’s judged by fellow writers. I love judging because I am exposed to authors and genres I might not normally find on my own. Of course I have the secret hope that someone out there is discovering ME and finding something she wouldn’t have known about. The nominations come out around the end of March. So cross your respective fingers for all of us who’ve entered!

Today, and most of this weekend, in fact, is set aside for writing, since I’m embarking on a new project, and I’m excited about it, but I can’t share details for a bit. So I’m off to read, and write, and flog my book sale, and all that. What about you? What are you doing this weekend?



Posted in Reading, Writing | Tagged | 3 Replies

I hope everyone is having a good 2014 so far–or at least has gotten used to writing “2014” on checks and forms. It still looks weird to me, even though the day job requires me to date documents all the time.

I’m embarrassed to admit I almost forgot today was my Risky blogging day, even though it’s on my calendar, and I noticed it on Monday and spent a few minutes trying to think up a good topic. By the time I thought of it again, it was too late to come up with something deep and thoughtful about my current manuscript and my research for it, or anything along those lines. So I thought, “Hey! The year is still new. I’ll talk about the books I’m looking forward to reading in 2014!”

Sweet Disorder Cover

My critique partner, Rose Lerner, has a new book coming out in March called Sweet Disorder. It’s a tale of love and politics in an English village, and it’s smart, beautifully written, and very sexy.

My 9-year-old daughter and I are equally enamored with a series of snarky (yet highly educational!) graphic novels on American history called Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales. To give you a sense of the tone of the series, I’ll just mention that the most recent entry was called Donner Dinner Party. This time he’s tackling World War I:


Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood is the latest entry to my preorder list at Amazon.

I’m also eager for Lindsey Davis’s second Flavia Albia book and Diana Gabaldon’s Written in My Own Heart’s Blood. For the rest, I’m sure I’ll make many delightful discoveries as the year goes on, though I figure I’ll be waiting till at least 2015 for Naomi Novik’s latest, and God only knows how long for the next Song of Ice and Fire book from George R.R. Martin…

What about you? What books are you awaiting eagerly? Have you already preordered any of them?

Posted in Reading | Tagged | 5 Replies

Schwab2The Riskies welcome Sandra Schwab, who’s visiting today!

Many of the real-life contemporaries of our Regency or Victorian heroes and heroines were prolific letter writers. For example, when the British Academy-Pilgrim edition of The Letters of Charles Dickens was completed in 2002, the series had reached twelve (rather fat!) volumes, and supplements with newly discovered letters continued to be published until the summer of 2013. Since nineteenth-century people could not yet share funny pictures of cats online, they used letters to maintain and strengthen relationships with family, friends, and acquaintances. “When [Jane Austen and her sister Cassandra] were apart,” Deirdre Le Faye explains in the preface to Jane Austen’s Letters,

“they wrote to each other about every three or four days – another letter began as soon as the previous one had been posted. There is always a first letter from Jane telling Cassandra of the journey from home to the destination; then a series of letters talking about daily events at the other place; and one or more letters planning the journey home. If Cassandra is the traveller, then the first letter is from Jane hoping she had a good journey; the bulk of the sequence is Jane telling Cassandra how life progresses at home; and the last one or two are Jane’s anticipation of her sister’s speedy and comfortable return trip.”

It had been the introduction of turnpike roads and the improved methods of road-making developed by Telford in the late 1700s that had made it possible to replace mounted post boys with mail coaches. JamesPollard-MailcoachIn subsequent years, the mail system in Great Britain became extremely efficient and very fast: at eight o’ clock each evening, the post bags were brought from the General Post Office in Lombard Street to the various coaching inns (typically with underground stables) in London from where the mail coaches would start on their all-night journeys. While sixty or seventy years before, letters between London and Edinburgh were only dispatched once a week and, by stage coach, the journey between London and Edinburgh took between twelve to sixteen days (if the weather did not suddenly turn to the worse!), the Regency mail coach only needed about 58 hours to reach Edinburgh.

Two-Penny-PostWithin London, letters were delivered by the Two-Penny Post. The Picture of London for 1805 includes the following information about this service (“country” refers to specific places in Kent, Surrey, Hertfordshire, Essex, Middlesex):

Six deliveries per day! Can you imagine?  Of course, I had to put this interesting bit of research into one of my books. And thus, in SPRINGTIME PLEASURES Charlie, my very tall, bespectacled heroine, makes plenty of use of the Two-Penny Post and exchanges many letters with her friend Emma-Lee, who is ever ready to help Charlie navigate the pitfalls of polite society:

Schwab-SpringtimePleasures-smallThank you for your message, dear Charlie. I have only a moment before the post goes out so please excuse the shortness of this note.—I should hope your first Ball was as splendid as you ever wished for & I also hope that you did not Damage the two disparaging gentlemen. This is NOT DONE in London and w’d cause the most frightful Scandal! (Even if they deserved it.)—I am most curious to hear more about your new acquaintance. I c’d not find out about any rules about Invitations to Drives around the Park, but I w’d deem it best that you w’d not mention things like Removing Bloodstains from Delicate Fabrics, the Correct Way of Gutting Fish, or the Incident on our way south. You must remember that Lady Isabella is a Delicately Reared Young Lady!
Yours very affectionally, E.-L. Brockwin

P.S. I understand that it is Not Done in Polite Society to adress the groom on the box seat, except for giving him directions. So you better not ask him about the horses!

Sandra Schwab started writing her first novel when she was seven years old. Twenty-odd years later, telling stories is still her greatest passion, even though by now she has exchanged her old fountain pen (covered with pink hearts) for a computer keyboard (black, no hearts). She lives near Frankfurt on the Main, Germany, with a sketchbook, a sewing machine, and altogether too many books.


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So, tomorrow is my birthday, and things are crazy around here!  I thought I would do a repeat post from my own blog about one of my favorite artists, Berthe Morisot, who was born January 14, 1841!  When i saw some of her painting in the Musee d’Orsay, I was amazed by their gorgeous luminosity, and had to read more about her life….

Berthe1Morisot was born in Bourges, to a well-to-do and respectable family who nevertheless encouraged their daughters Berthe and Edma in their pursuit of art. (Edma married young and gave up painting, while Berthe was more ambitious). Berthe first studied with Barbizon School artist Camilly Corot, who encouraged her interest in plein-air landscape painting, and later with Edouard Manet, who became one of her greatest friends and colleagues and who used her as his model many times (there are rumors of romance, but no proof has come to light…)

Her first appearance in the prestigious Salon was in 1864, with 2 landscapes. She continued to show at the Salon, to mostly positive reactions, until she joined up with the rebellious Inpressionists in 1873. Her light, free style fit well with their aesthetic, though like the other female Impressionist Mary Cassat she mostly painted images of her own milieu of intimate domestic life, women in their homes, and landscapes.

In 1874 she married Edouard Manet’s brother Eugene and had one daughter, Julie. She died of pneumonia on March 2, 1895 and was buried in the Cimetiere de Passy. Her paintings can still be seen in every major museum in the world and are highly sought-after in art auctions…

Some sources on her life:

Anne Higonnet, Berthe Morisot (1995)
Julie Manet, Growing Up With the Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet (1987)

Who are some of your favorite artists???

Last Saturday the Washington Romance Writers had their first meeting of the year, which traditionally is reserved for Kathy Gilles Seidel, our resident Austen scholar. For the last six years she’s been working her way through a discussion of Jane Austen’s books especially as depicted in movies. Saturday was the last of this discussion series, ending with Northanger Abbey.

NorthangerDVDThere are two movie adaptations of Northanger Abbey, one made in 2007, starring Felicity Jones and JJ Feild and shown on PBS as part of an Austen series. The other was made in 1987, starring  and  (not Colin).

I was able to watch the 1987 version and to reread the book. My impressions can be summarized by saying that I loved the book and appreciated anew Austen’s deft hand at characterization and her wit. I also thought the movie makers just didn’t “get it.”

MV5BMjA1ODE4MzAwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTAyMjE2MQ@@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_Some of the discussion was around these issues:

1. Is Northanger Abbey a romance? Not really. It was more a character growth story, but more so a satire on the gothic novels of the period, specifically The Mysteries of Udolpho.

2. The film makers didn’t get the wit and satire in the story. The 1987 version changed the whole tone of the story. They did their best, though, to intensify the romance elements.

2. If Northanger Abbey were a romance, then Henry Tilney would not have made it as a romance hero, but in this story, he was the nicest guy in the book. The movie makers embellished Henry to make him more alpha-like.

Getting together with like-minded people, discussing topics like Jane Austen and romance writing is a wonderful pleasure. Each time I attend a meeting like this, I feel renewed and rejuvenated!

(Risky Regencies did a similar Northanger Abbey discussion several years ago, led by our talented Cara King. See here and here.)

What’s rejuvenating you today?

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