I like to imagine myself in a Regency Christmas, gathering evergreens and mistletoe with my beau (who looks a lot like Colin Firth); ice skating on the nearby pond.
Riding to church in a horse-drawn sleigh.
My Christmas gifts would be a copy of Pride and Prejudice by A Lady and a lovely silk and ivory fan.
We’d have a delicious Christmas dinner.
And afterward dance and play whist.
And I would have a wonderful Regency Christmas!
My friendships are the treasured gifts I’m thankful for this 2008. Thank you all for your friendship and for making Risky Regencies almost as nice a place to be as the real Regency!
What would you like for a Regency Christmas? Or for this 2008 Holiday?
Stop by the Wet Noodle Posse blog today and read all about when Snoopy knocked down the Christmas tree. There’s a photo of me and one of Snoopy, too.
The bookcover is the 2007 anthology that included my novella, A Twelfth Night Tale.
Aw, Diane. Loved your fantasy, and the pics are lovely. I’m grateful for all that I have.
Someday, I’d like to attend a traditional Catholic midnight mass.
I really have everything I need, and wish the same for others. Merry Christmas!
One good thing about fantasy is that it is free and always available to us!
I wrote The End on my WIP yesterday, so got my best Christmas gift, LOL! Sometimes it feels like those stories will never end. (I wouldn’t mind that pretty fan and a game of whist, though)
Congrats on finishing the WIP, Amanda!
I wouldn’t mind a copy of Pride and Prejudice by A Lady, but I think I might like a lovely piece of Regency jewelry or maybe a new reticule.
An evening of whist and charades sounds lovely as well!
Oh, I want a new reticule, too!!!!
A fun Christmas ball with lots of country dances and hot partners to keep me warm. 🙂
In real life, I would like a more tolerant world, where kids on the bus wouldn’t pick on other kids who celebrate both Christmas and Hanukah. Currently dealing with that one, though I think it will resolve well.
There is only one answer to that question: My own personal Rake. (You know of whom I speak.) 🙂
I’d like my Regency Christmas like yours featuring Byron, only without the crazy.
A most wonderful Christmas to all of you Riskies and readers!
Hey, I want that Rake, too, Ladyhawk.
azteclady, what a nice thing to say.
Megan, Byron has never appealed to me. I think I would have disliked him! Give me Wellington!
Now I want to watch Emma to see the Christmas party on a snowy night and catch frustrating snippets of conversation regarding Frank Chrchill!
Diane, I’d ditto everything you said, except substitute piquet for whist. 🙂
I wrote The End on my WIP yesterday
Yay, Amanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elena, bummer on the intolerant kids! Even when I was that age, I never understood why kids had to make up rules and harass the kids who didn’t follow them…
Cara, I don’t think I could keep up the counting required in piquet!
Ooh Oooh. Put me down for one Rake please!
Give me Wellington!
I’ll fight you for him! And I know how to use a sword. Kinda.
I also wouldn’t mind finding this not-quite-a-gentleman under my tree. He’s even nicely wrapped in festive green!
For this 2008 holiday, I’ll settle for safe and uneventful travel and a chance to relax. We’ve been more or less snowed in since Thursday, and tomorrow we’re supposed to fly to Tulsa to spend Christmas with my in-laws, followed by a week in Birmingham with my family for New Year’s and my niece’s wedding.
En garde!
Or I’d settle for the man in green. Now he’s a Christmas elf who can come see me anytime!
Happy travel, Susan!
We have such good taste in men, don’t we, Diane? 😉
OK, off to make sure my daughter’s flower girl dress still fits and to choose my books for the journey.
Congratulations, Amanda!!!!!
I’d love to pick mistletoe with my own personal rake. There’s something about watching him climb up the tree, snag the branch, hop down without breaking his neck and kiss me soundly under the stars.
Keira, I’d love to attend a traditional Catholic midnight mass. Ours is at 4pm….don’t ask, lol.
Happiest of holidays to all!
Diane, your Regency Christmas sounds lovely! I think curling up in front of the fire with my darling wife at the end of it would be the topper for me.
Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it! And Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate it! The world needs all the tolerance it can get. 🙂