I like to imagine myself in a Regency Christmas, gathering evergreens and mistletoe with my beau (who looks a lot like Colin Firth); ice skating on the nearby pond.

Riding to church in a horse-drawn sleigh.

My Christmas gifts would be a copy of Pride and Prejudice by A Lady and a lovely silk and ivory fan.

We’d have a delicious Christmas dinner.

And afterward dance and play whist.

And I would have a wonderful Regency Christmas!

My friendships are the treasured gifts I’m thankful for this 2008. Thank you all for your friendship and for making Risky Regencies almost as nice a place to be as the real Regency!

What would you like for a Regency Christmas? Or for this 2008 Holiday?

Stop by the Wet Noodle Posse blog today and read all about when Snoopy knocked down the Christmas tree. There’s a photo of me and one of Snoopy, too.

The bookcover is the 2007 anthology that included my novella, A Twelfth Night Tale.