Today is my day to post. It’s always Friday, I know that, and yet–and yet, I HAVE NOTHING PLANNED.

Gah. It has turned ridiculously cold here in Brooklyn, NY, so all I want to do is curl up in bed with a big cup of tea and a book. What I will be doing is preparing for the arrival of the Christmas tree: clearing out the space, getting the stand down, moving the clutter from in front of the door where the tree will come in, getting enough cash to pay the exorbitant prices they charge for trees here (this is the first year we haven’t gotten a tree in South Jersey, where we go out in a field and pick which one to cut down. Cruel, but fresh and cheap).

Meanwhile, I am still revising my Regency-set historical, Lessons In Love, making it make more sense. I am itching to move on to something else because a) this one is driving me crazy, b) my agent gave me feedback on my mom-lit and I want to work on that now and c) I want to stop talking about the same darn book all the time.

Meanwhile, my seven year-old son yelled at me this morning because Christmas is 17 days away. As if it was my fault, and as if I could possibly do anything about it. I guess that speaks to how omnipotent he thinks I am? Just wait a few years, then he won’t think I can do anything at all, at least not anything right.

Okay. Your turn. What’s keeping you from your primary tasks, whether it’s enjoying the season, or focusing at your job, or making sure your kids aren’t eating hot dogs five nights straight in a row? And how do you refocus? What do you let go of? And what books do you turn to in times of holiday (and other) stress?

PS: And no, I don’t think I’m nearly as funny as Dorothy Parker, pictured above; I just like her general mien.