I’m still gathering comments for Anne Gracie’s giveaway, so if you want a chance to win The Winter Bride, check out yesterday’s blog.

Kristine Hughes of Number One London sent me this article about an upcoming auction at Christies, which includes a gold bracelet containing a lock of the Duke of Wellington’s hair.

200px-Lord_Castlereagh_Marquess_of_LondonderryThe auction is selling heirlooms belonging to the Marquess of Londonderry and Baron Raglan, whose ancestors have connections to Wellington. Lord Castlereagh, later to become the 2nd Marquess of Londonderry, was Foreign Secretary during the Napoleonic Wars. He was also Wellington’s friend. The 1st Baron Raglan was married to Wellington’s favorite niece. The article includes interesting pieces of the family histories.

Baron Raglan must sell the heirlooms to pay for the upkeep of Cefnilla Court, the family property. The Marquesses of Londonderry sold their family estate years ago. It is now a hotel. It is not explained what prompted the current sale of these items.

220px-Fitzroy_James_Henry_Somerset,_1st_Baron_Raglan_by_William_SalterThe gold bracelet is valued at somewhere between 1500 and 2500 pounds. Affordable? At least more affordable than Robert Lefèvre’s Portrait of the Emperor Napoleon (£80,000-£120,000).

Would you pay 2500 pounds ($4160) for a lock of Wellington’s hair???? (I am tempted!)

Don’t forget to scroll down and comment on yesterday’s blog for a chance to win Anne Gracie’s The Winter Bride.

And speaking of the Number One London blog, come back next monday when I interview Kristine and Victoria Hinshaw on their upcoming Duke of Wellington Tour!