I celebrated a birthday this weekend (no, I’m not saying which one!) and have to squee over some of my presents.

My husband knows books are my favorite gift and as usual didn’t disappoint.

Among the haul is CLANDESTINE, by Julia Ross, which I have been dying to read but couldn’t because I’m not allowed to buy books on my wish list between October and my birthday.

Another treasure is LIFE IN WELLINGTON’S ARMY, by Antony Brett-James. Just looking at the table of contents is tantalizing. Chapters with titles like “Bivouac Life”, “Come Dancing” and “Army Wives” promise to answer so many questions I have about what my soldier and ex-soldier heroes would have experienced.

Lastly, I also got HOW TO AVOID MAKING ART (Or Anything Else You Enjoy) by Julia Cameron. It’s a collection of cartoons of “creative wannabes doing everything except actually getting down to work.” Some of the cartoons cut so close to the truth it is painful. Here’s an example of a hangup I used to struggle with on a regular basis, though I’m more sensible about it now.

A nice dinner, chocolate cake with raspberry sauce and afterwards, a date to see AMAZING GRACE (we had to drive 45 minutes to see it, but it was well worth the trip!) and my day was pretty near perfect.

What sorts of books are on your wish lists? What is your fantasy birthday?
