I hope this works! I’m crowdsourcing this post. Pick one in each category to construct the story…
It was a fine day to be walking in the Cotswoalds and Miss

was happy to be walking and to have her delightful dog at her side. She wore her finest

secure in the knowledge that she looked smashing. She walked all the way to the edge of forest and there she stopped, for she knew Lord

had a reputation for

those who came too close to his demense. She shuddered with horror at the thought of such a fate. Suddenly, a shot rang out! A bird flew from a bush like a

with her beloved dog in pursuit. She ran to the rescue of her pet, calling out ”

! Here, my beloved pet! Oh dear, I mean, Come back, you VISCIOUS BEAST!” for what did she see but his Lordship

Their gazes locked and she swooned.
When she woke up, she was ……
Finish in the comments.
lying in the mud, her beloved pet yapping at her, and the angry lord vanished. Did he take mud-covered trespassers in disgust or had she simply been having another of her delusions?
She woke in her own bed in 1945, realizing the whole episode had been not but a dream! (Newhart ending, yay!)
being doused with lukewarm tea. At least she thought it was tea.
Had trouble recollecting precisely how many drops of laudanum she had imbibed last evening.
… subjected to the disdainful scrutiny of the elegantly, but unexpectedly, attired gentleman.
“I hope,” he drawled in a voice of sex and satin appliques, “you have a damn good explanation for this. Yellow, my dear, is so last season.”
You guys are hilarious.
Yellow is so last season.
lukewarm tea. omg. laudanum! delusions and newhart endings.
You are so clever, Carolyn!!!