We are featuring an interview with Carolyn Jewel soon, but due to some technical difficulties [curse you, Yahoo!], we won’t be posting the interview today.

[Edited to add: Look for the interview NEXT Friday]

So, sorry for the no-post post, but let’s just start some chatter, shall we?

Do you Twitter? Amanda and I do. If you do, come find us!

Do you think Clive Owen will be plausible in a romantic comedy (as it seems to be advertised) with Julia Roberts? Last time they were together, it was in Closer, where he had some pretty harsh words for her. Not a romantic comedy (as you can tell, I am skeptical).

I am about to start watching Cranford; is it awesome, or not so much?

Are you watching the Grammys this Sunday? If so, keep an eye out for my gal Adele, who’s nominated, and who’ll be performing.

Anything else on your mind this frigid (in New York, at least) Friday?