My interview went up a bit late yesterday so today I thought I would just do a commercial (Ha! bet you thought it would be an Addendum!)

Like Sarah Palin, I’m going on a book tour, but my tour is virtual, my schedule less demanding, and my visitors, undoubtedly, fewer.

Here’s my schedule:

Dec 9 Interview on Harlequin Historical Authors Facebook page
Dec 9 Article on Regency Art on Harlequin Historical Authors MySpace page

Dec 11 Article on Regency Theatre at Romance Dish
Dec 16 eHarlequin’s Holiday Open House
Dec 27 Interview at Romantic Crush Junkies

I hope you all stop by!

I was lucky enough to have Megan and Carolyn come up with questions for my interview yesterday. Weren’t they creative asking how many research books I own? I really think they thought I would go upstairs, trip over the boxes and other junk, and count every last one of those books. Not me! I did Math. I estimated.

When I have to make up questions I lack such creativity, though. So my challenge for you today is to tell us what questions you want us to ask our guest authors. If you want me to answer any of these questions I will, but mostly I want to know what you want to know!

Don’t forget to leave a comment on yesterday’s interview blog for a chance to win an autographed copy of Gallan Officer, Forbidden Lady. I’ll choose a winner after midnight tonight.