As I mentioned last week, I just went to Worldcon, i.e. the World Science Fiction Convention, which is five days of all sorts of fascinating fun.

One of the authors there was Madeleine E. Robins, author of the Regency-set slightly-alternate-history Regency adventure-mystery novels POINT OF HONOUR and PETTY TREASON. Unfortunately, I missed the panels she was on (there were always ten or twenty wonderful things to do every hour, and I kept wishing I had Hermione Granger’s spell to split into five people), so I can’t relay any brilliant inside info. But I can say that I really enjoyed POINT OF HONOUR, am looking forward to reading its sequel, and love to see what writers in different genres do with the Regency.

Also present was Naomi Novik, author of the hot new series about the Napoleonic Wars with a twist — dragons. I haven’t yet begun the series (which starts with HIS MAJESTY’S DRAGON) but I now have a signed copy of the second installment, and have heard great things about these books.

Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think?

What other Regency-set books from other genres (mystery, SF, fantasy, general fiction, anything else) have you read? What do you think about them? Which would you recommend? Which ones are you looking forward to reading?

All opinions welcome!

Cara King, winner of the Booksellers’ Best Award for Best Regency of 2005, for MY LADY GAMESTER