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Author Archives: Janet Mullany

Since I’m too lazy to come up with an original topic, I thought I’d follow on from the excellent discussion at Smart Bitches, Guilty Pleasures and Confessions, in which Sarah revealed her secret passion for J. R. Ward’s Brotherhood of the Black Dagger series.

Uh, me too. I don’t know why, but her books are right up there with the Chronicles of Narnia (except for The Last Battle) when I need a comfort read.

So I thought I’d ask everyone what your guilty secrets are. Here are some of mine:

Thomas Hampson (He’s handsome! Straight! Smart! Sings!)

Eating while taking a bath

Just about anything with a big topping of whipped cream

Most Haunted, a truly awful tv show with English people with bad hair screaming while investigating haunted houses

Eating in bed and then scraping the crumbs off to the other side and denying that any food consumption has taken place

People magazine. Read at checkout in the stores and at my dentist’s (who always has current issues; I must be one of the few people who enjoys going to the dentist)

How about you? Come on, confess… You’ll feel better for it.

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Today is the anniversary of two military events that had nothing to do with the Regency period: In 1415, Henry V won the Battle of Agincourt, one of the attempts by England to get a foothold in France (and am I the only person who prefers the Olivier version over the Branagh film?).

And in 1854, thanks to bungled orders, political infighting among officers, and the famed stiff upper lip, the Charge of the Light Brigade took place, when the 13th Hussars charged directly into enemy guns during the Crimean War; as a French general commented, “C’est magnifique mais ce ne pas la guerre.” (Roughly translated as: it’s magnificent, but not war. Well, it sounds better in French.)

I’d hazard a guess that we remember these events by the two poets who immortalized them rather by the history. Here’s an excerpt from the famous St. Crispin’s Day speech by Shakespeare:

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.

Tennyson, another master of the soundbite, immortalized the Charge of the Light Brigade, a peom that, if you are an English person of a certain age, you had drummed into you at school, or at least the more quotable bits of it:

Their’s not to make reply,
Their’s not to reason why,
Their’s but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Would we remember these two events–the English tried for a couple more centuries to claim bits of France, but failed; and the famous Charge was a tactical blunder of monumental stupidity–if it weren’t for the poets?

What are your favorite quotes? Any from romance?

Jane Lockwood is blogging over at History Hoydens today and there’s a contest! Also don’t forget to sign up for the Riskies newsletter at

Jane Lockwood (Forbidden Shores) and Colette Gale (Unmasqued) are reading from their books tonight at Virgins’ Night at the In the Flesh Reading Series hosted by Racher Kramer Bussell. It’s free! There will be free books (Colette’s) and cupcakes and all sorts of good naughty stuff:

8 PM
Happy Ending Lounge, 302 Broome St., NYC

But, but … wait a minute. Virgins Night?

Yes. It’s for debut erotica writers reading their stuff aloud for the first time.

Jane and Colette, plus the other writers, will each have ten minutes to read aloud their hot stuff. Jane reports that she’s too busy to even be nervous, but she’s sure she will be when it comes down to it.

I’ve read parts of my books aloud–it’s actually something I quite like when I’ve got over the oh my god how could I write such a clunky sentence feeling and just enjoy the sensation of performing, and gauging the audience’s reaction.

What about you? Do you enjoy listening to authors read their work? How about books on tape or CD? If you’re a writer, do you like to read your work aloud and who have you read it to (pets excluded)?

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