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Author Archives: Janet Mullany

Henrietta_SmithsonFirst I must explain that I’m in a place with dodgy internet and I intended to do all this earlier, but I had a doctor and an electrician to deal with. Right now I have a great big falling apart sandwich beckoning to me (it has bacon! avocado! yum) and I’m trying to write while eating it and not spilling it all over the keyboard. And potato chips.

berliozTalking of deliciousness, here’s a lovely young couple, he having a bad hair day. Hector Berlioz and Irish actress Harriet Smithson, who married on this day in 1833. They’d met a few years before–or rather, he’d stalked her–when she was acting Shakespeare in Paris, and Berlioz became infatuated with her, scaring her by a deluge of love letters. He also wrote the Symphonie Fantastique as a tribute to her (it includes a witch’s sabbath and a march to the scaffold. What girl wouldn’t be flattered?)

Now the problem was that he didn’t speak much English, she didn’t speak much French. Her career in Paris suffered as a result so possibly she agreed to marry Berlioz so she’d have a means of support. Ha, marry a musician for financial security. It must have been true love. Or he made a good sandwich, or something.

They were together for seven years. It’s a sad story. There’s an account of their relationship on a website about Irish communities in Paris here. Or, if you want more, I heartily recommend Jude Morgan’s novel Symphony.

Back to the sandwich. And then back to the writing. What are you up to today?

Posted in Music | 1 Reply

Jane-Austen-ring-in-boxFirst, if you haven’t heard, great news–the fundraising effort to keep Jane Austen’s ring where it belongs, at the Jane Austen House Museum, has been successful! I am very excited. As you know, I feel very strongly about national treasures disappearing into private ownership. I had a minor sort of rant about the possible fate of the ring when it first went on the block. (I’m trying really, really hard not to gloat in public. Give me credit for making the effort.)

I was originally planning a post today about a tie-in between my book Hidden Paradise and the movie Austenland. They’re both about Austen-themed resorts, except in my book there’s a load more sex. But I haven’t yet seen the movie and I read this truly awful review of it. However it is the one-year anniversary of my book, so why not buy it. Even better, why not come to the Baltimore Book Festival tomorrow and hear me talk about Austen and buy a signed copy. I’m on a panel at noon with Leslie Carroll and Diana Peterfreund talking about Austen and our Austen knock-offs, and reading excerpts on the Maryland Romance Writers‘ stage. I’ll probably be reading from Jane and the Damned.

I’ll still be around at 7 when I’m joining a gaggle of other authors for a panel called Fifty Shades of Hot, in which we talk about–no, not that book, but our own. Panelists are Damon Suede, Eliza Knight, Stephanie Draven, Kate Poole, and Megan Hart. (Incidentally, the 6 pm panel includes chocolate, so you might want to come early!)

The Baltimore Book Festival continues through the weekend, with food, music, beer, readings, and books. LOTS of books. It’s lots of fun and I hope you can drop by!

I must tell you that next week it will all about the one year anniversary of Hidden Paradise and the Baltimore Book Festival, where I’ll be speaking and reading from the WUR (that’s the Work Under Reconstruction) on Friday, September 27. But to maybe win a signed book (including one of mine) and start planning your attendance, check out this post all about the festival at the Romantic Times blog today.

I want to talk a bit about the Work Under Reconstruction today. It’s my first venture into self-pubbing and I’m a bit nervous about it. Its title, rather than referring to it as the WUR, is A Certain Latitude. It was published six years ago and was my major flop for many and good reasons, one being that it wasn’t that good a book. It had moments–many of them–but as a whole it didn’t do the job. Well, you try writing a book about sex and abolitionists and see what happens…

So I’ve been rewriting. Mostly I’ve been trying to make sense of the heroine. I think I have her nailed now (haw de haw haw, so do both the heroes).  About five times in the last couple of months I’ve hit save, turned off the computer and grandly announced “I’m done!”

The last time was yesterday afternoon. Then one of my beta readers gave me a fantastic analysis of the book that I read last night in which she suggested something about my favorite chapter. And she said … she said get rid of it. Noooooooooooooo.

But then I went to bed and had an amazing dystopian, Stockholm syndrome type of dream that tied into a novella I’m planning to write and I woke up with that bouncing around in my head and also absolutely clear about what I was going to do in terms of sorting out my heroine some more. And yes, it does involve cutting that chapter. It will make the book shorter, it will make it tighter and stronger and I need to go write what I have to do on the back of an envelope before I forget. Or maybe this blog is the equivalent.

Thanks, Anna!

Do you find dreams sort things out for you? Do you remember dreams at all? Do share, within reason.

Posted in Writing | 4 Replies

Those two words, plus Let’s Pretend… are part of the essential writer’s toolbox (or those of the average six-year-old, meaning that writers haven’t quite grown up yet).

So I like to play a game where I try to translate everyday life into the Regency, partly to amuse myself and partly as research or background building. Take getting up in the morning, for instance. Now my routine is pretty simple. I can get myself up and out of the house (usually with clothes on the right way out and right way around although there have been notorious lapses), with time to check e-mail, in about forty-five minutes.

But in the Regency… first I’d need someone to lace me into my stays, unless I was fortunate enough to own a pair of front or side lacing stays, rare in collections, but they did exist. And chances are there would be people around, because people did not live alone, and I’d have a servant or someone to help. In fact there might be rather too many people around. Let us pass over the bathroom issue, but assume some washing might well take place.

Choosing something to wear would probably be quite easy because either I’d opt for morning dress (i.e., slopping around the house wear), or I’d put on the clothes I wore yesterday and every other day except Sunday. I really have trouble, as you may have noticed with the aristocracy, or imagining myself living as one.

Next, the urgent need for a cup of tea. If I was unlucky the fire might have gone out, although I hope I would not have been so slatternly as to forget to bank it the night before. I might have to pump water. If I had someone to boil the water I’d still be the one to make the tea because I’d have the all-important tea caddy and its key. Someone would also have to look out in the street for the milkmaid and her cow so I could have milk in my tea.

As for breakfast itself–assuming there was anything to eat in the house with the price of bread at an all-time shocking high–if I were higher up the social scale I’d have toast or cake. All more labor intensive than you might think, certainly more fiddly than putting an English muffin (yes, there were things called muffins in England, but the English muffin is neither English nor a muffin) in the toaster. No peanut butter either.

I suppose the equivalent of e-mail would be reading a newspaper (although possibly several days old, passed on by someone I knew) or receiving the day’s post.

And leaving the house for work?–chances are I’d stay home doing piecework, and trying to keep my grandchildren out of the fireplace (note to daughter: this is not a hint). Or I’d leave to clean someone else’s house.

Think of what you’d do at any given time of day. What do you think you’d be doing if you lived in the Regency? What would you miss most? What do you think you’d enjoy most?

Posted in Research | 3 Replies

I want to share with you all some news.

Dennis and I are together again.

Yes, Dennis the kneebrace.

m+wWe have been on and off since I indulged in some extreme gardening a few years ago. Having fallen flat on my back while ripping up English ivy, it was–oh my gosh, it was like Marianne and Willoughby in better weather. With his assistance I could stand and he flung me onto the back of his stallion and rode with me back to safety, me nestled in the comfort of his warm cloak, inhaling his masculine woodsy scent of lime and tobacco and beer and all that. Well, sort of. I’m a bit nervous of sniffing Dennis after the very hot weather where you sweat in strange places, like the back of the knee.

And since then, he has answered my call. Except for the time he didn’t and I fell into a decline. I decided then I’d go with the first substitute I met, and in the pharmacy I met a sneering billionaire kneebrace who wanted to strap me up good and proper and restrain me in fifty shades of whatever. Consequently I now have an Upstairs Dennis and a Downstairs Dennis.

Most recently we took a fabulous trip to San Francisco and together we strode through the city and sat around for hours in coffee shops writing. I’m not even sure my lovely hosts were aware that I brought Dennis and not my husband. We were very discreet.

And after that trip, things sort of cooled off.

But this morning, feeling the pangs of unrequited love (pangs at any rate), I took Upstairs Dennis out of the dirty laundry basket, reveling in the clean masculine smell of his sweat (or more likely my own) and got it on.

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