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Author Archives: Janet Mullany

31VTJj4VuVL._SY355_Karen and Maria, you are the winners of the great big fat amazon contest.  I will be sending you emails and we’ll work out how to send you your loot, including–should you be ordering real books–your very own Hutzler 517 Banana Slicer (check out the reviews).

Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who receives and reads the infrequent newsletter, and the newbies who will do so in future!

The week of asking for help continues.

I’m traveling out west to San Francisco next week to speak to the San Francisco Area Romance Writers chapter on how to bring comedy into romance: Romance–It’s No Laughing Matter. And I have a problem. Part of the workshop will be an interactive analysis of funny stuff. I’ll be using some Austen, probably something from Northanger Abbey, which has some very funny stuff, and I’m also using an excerpt from Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie. If you’re familiar with that book I’m using the brilliantly written scene where Zak meets Lucy’s dogs.

I need one more funny scene. What would you suggest? (I don’t want to use my own books. I hate it when author presentations turn into infomercials.)

Please suggest your favorite funny romances and you can even suggest scenes which would be even better! Next week I’ll be blogging from SF and it would be great to meet some Risky friends on August 10.

And she has a contest!

One of the highlights at RWA for me was spending some time with historical romance author Maggie Robinson, one of the funniest ladies I know. And here she is at the Riskies, so I’ll just let Maggie take over now…

Summer 2013 TourIt’s delightful to be back with the Riskies, particularly since I am highjacking their blog and changing it to Risky Edwardians! I’ve gone from carriages to cars, hand-written missives to marconigrams, talking face-to-face to telephoning, LOL.

The first book in my new Edwardian Ladies Unlaced series, In the Arms of the Heiress, is set in 1903. My heroine Louisa Stratton has been crashing around the Continent on a year-long motor trip with her loyal maid Kathleen. Louisa’s left her awful, interfering family behind in the dust, and to keep her independence has invented a husband—the perfect man, Maximillian Norwich. When she’s forced to come home, she has to hire an imperfect man, Charles Cooper, to pretend to be the fictional urbane art connoisseur she “married” in Paris.

For the price she’s willing to pay for his services, Charles thinks he can do anything for thirty days. He’s been drinking, is depressed and desperate after serving as a captain in the Second Boer War and administering a concentration camp for Boer women and children. Even with only one good eye, he’s seen things he wishes he could unsee. After witnessing horrific collateral damage on civilians, he assumes Louisa is just another spoiled little rich girl without a thought in her head. To both their surprise, the jaded Charles and flighty Louisa turn out to be perfectly imperfect together, especially when mischief and mayhem move in with them at Rosemont, the family estate.

It’s been such fun researching a different era, but love is love, no matter the time frame. Library Journal gave ITAOTH a coveted starred review, and the book has been called “a must-read” (Tessa Dare), “a marvelous read” (RT Book Reviews with 4 ½ stars and a K.I.S.S. for Charles!), “full of witty dialog and scorching romance” (Elizabeth Essex) and “fun, light and very sexy.” (Semxybooks) [Comment from Janet: I had a sneak peak at this book and it’s terrific. It deserves all this praise and more]

grandmother and auntsI have a copy to give away for one commenter. Here’s a photograph of my very own Edwardian heiresses, my grandmother and her sisters. Are you lucky enough to have family pictures through the ages? What is your favorite family photograph?

Posted in Giveaways, Guest | 15 Replies

Yes, I’m in Atlanta at the great big conference (RWA) but this is too important a date to ignore.

Jane Austen died oaustengraven this date in 1817. She was buried in Winchester Cathedral, because she died within the Cathedral Close and probably her clergymen brothers had some influence. Famously, her tombstone bears no mention of her writing, but that’s because she published anonymously. It was only after her death that her family invented the Austen mystique (dear Aunt Jane who couldn’t help being a wee bit coarse) and allowed her name to be used.

She was much loved by her family and particularly by her sister Cassandra, who wrote this moving epitaph:

She was the sun of my life, the gilder of every pleasure, the soother of every sorrow; I had not a thought concealed from her, and it is as if I had lost a part of myself.

She was only 41 when she died. It’s tempting to think that Persuasion, all about regrets and acceptance and second chances, was her final work and her testament. It was her last completed book but she was at work on Sanditon, a rollicking farce full of jokes about invalids.

That Jane Austen–always full of surprises! I wonder what her life would have been like it she’d inherited the Austen longevity genes and lasted into her 80s? A lioness of the literary scene? A subverter of Victorian delicacy?

What do you think?

150px-Ann_RadcliffeHappy birthday, a couple of days late, to Ann Radcliffe, 9 July 1764–7 February 1823, mistress of the gothick.

And, oh yes, a contest. We’ll be drawing the names of two people who are subscribers to the newsletter at the end of this month. Your prize–select items from your Amazon wishlist. For full details and a sample of the deathless prose of the Riskies newsletter, check out the one we sent out today here. And if you’re not signed up, then sign up already.

Ah yes. Gothics. The influence of the gothic novel is still with us today; its elements creep into films and novels, and paranormal-influenced romances must be the next step. So what is it about gothics people liked (then and now), other than a good scare and the idea of the TSTL heroine creeping around dark passages and wearing only her nightie?
The gothics of Radcliffe et al feature exotic, often Italian settings, sinister castles and abbeys–something very popular in the regency era, when landowners commissioned picturesque ruins and follies to grace their landscape. As well as the good scare, they have a strong moral twist of justice done and wrongs avenged, with one or two people, usually the hero/heroine or a narrator (like Robert Walton, the narrator of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein), who lives to tell the tale, and with whom we can identify. In some cases, as in Wuthering Heights, the matter-of-fact tone of the not-very-bright narrator (Mr. Lockwood) serves to strengthen the supernatural elements; if a twit like Mr. Lockwood can hear the ghostly Cathy at the window, then it must be true. The monsters, real or imagined, are instruments of justice or revenge, like Frankenstein’s monster, or Conan Doyle’s hound in Hound of the Baskervilles, written in 1902 but drawing strongly on the gothic tradition.
I have a soft spot for gothics since the hero of my book Dedication, Adam Ashworth, publishes gothic novels under the name of Mrs. Ravenwood, and I had a lot of fun creating purple passages to head each chapter. I based most of them on the work of the gothic novelist I knew best, Mrs. Ann Radcliffe. She published bestsellers beginning with The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794), skewered by Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. The scene where Catherine explores an ancient chest and finds a laundry list is pure gothic pastiche. And remember the horrid veil?
Ah yes, the horrid veil.
If you’ve read Udolpho (it’s still in print) you’ll certainly remember the scene where the heroine discovers the veil and draws it aside (she’s creeping around a secret passage at the time, having been kidnapped to a mysterious castle) and swoons in horror at what she sees. It’s a tremendously effective scene. Every time she remembers it, which is fairly often, there’s a frisson of terror. And so on through the book. You’re still wondering. The references to the horrid veil become less frequent toward the end and you begin to wonder if Mrs. R has forgotten about it. Oh, surely not. Because if you were a character in a gothic who was denied such knowledge you know you’d go mad, or go into a nunnery, or have to pretend to be a ghost or some such. Then, when you’ve almost given up hope, Mrs. R. delivers, sort of. Busy tidying up the odds and ends of the novel, she reveals, in one throwaway sentence, that what the heroine saw behind the veil was the wax effigy of a worm-ridden corpse. Huh? I believe there’s a reason for the wax effigy being there–possibly a warning for visitors to keep out of the secret passage–you couldn’t expect the owner of a castle in a gothic to do anything sensible like post a “Keep Out” or “Servants Only” sign.

What do you like about gothic elements? Have you used them in your books? What gothic-influenced novels do you like? Could you write one with a straight face?

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