31VTJj4VuVL._SY355_Karen and Maria, you are the winners of the great big fat amazon contest.  I will be sending you emails and we’ll work out how to send you your loot, including–should you be ordering real books–your very own Hutzler 517 Banana Slicer (check out the reviews).

Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who receives and reads the infrequent newsletter, and the newbies who will do so in future!

The week of asking for help continues.

I’m traveling out west to San Francisco next week to speak to the San Francisco Area Romance Writers chapter on how to bring comedy into romance: Romance–It’s No Laughing Matter. And I have a problem. Part of the workshop will be an interactive analysis of funny stuff. I’ll be using some Austen, probably something from Northanger Abbey, which has some very funny stuff, and I’m also using an excerpt from Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Crusie. If you’re familiar with that book I’m using the brilliantly written scene where Zak meets Lucy’s dogs.

I need one more funny scene. What would you suggest? (I don’t want to use my own books. I hate it when author presentations turn into infomercials.)

Please suggest your favorite funny romances and you can even suggest scenes which would be even better! Next week I’ll be blogging from SF and it would be great to meet some Risky friends on August 10.