Oh no!!  It’s Tuesday, isn’t it?  I was completely sidetracked this morning by a cat swallowing something he should not have (though happily now all is well–he’s just cranky because of the trip to the vet, which he HATES).  To make up for my mistake, let’s have a giveaway!

I just got my author copies of my October Harlequin Historical release, The Tarnished Rose of the Court, which is a sequel to The Winter Queen.  I loved writing this one, because I got to take a peek inside the court of Mary Queen of Scots….

A dangerous mission at Queen Elizabeth’s bidding is Celia Sutton’s chance to erase the taint of her brother’s treason. Her life is at risk if she’s discovered—and so is her heart when she learns her co-conspirator is also her onetime seducer: brooding and mysterious John Brandon!

John can’t believe the change in Celia—what’s happened to the carefree English rose she once was? Leaving Celia was the only thing to do, but now guilt tears at his soul.

He has to heal the sadness in her past, and he’s not above using anything—from expert seduction to royal favors—to achieve his goal.

(It can be pre-ordered here, too…)

So, I’ll give away a copy to one commenter here today!  Tell me what you think about the cover, the setting, get-well wishes to my cat, anything….