This is the sight I’m seeing today (though I’m writing this two days before). London from the air. I’m landing in London today for the first part of my England adventure. My dh’s back problems prevented him from signing on for this trip so he is in complete care of the kitties (poor man!), but my sister is traveling with me!
Today we land at 6:30 am and get transportation to our hotel where we’ll meet up with Kristine Hughes and Victoria Hinshaw of Number One London for our pre-Duke of Wellington Tour adventures. Who knows what we will do today but we will try to stay up and quickly adjust to the time change.
On Tuesday the four of us will go on a deluxe tour of Buckingham Palace.
And on Wednesday, I’m on my own to ride to Richmond to have lunch with my editors at Mills and Boon.
Thursday is open for an unscheduled adventure and Friday our tour begins with, what else, TEA!
I will try my best to bring you a short blog with photos for next Monday!