And, kicking off the daily contests–today, win a signed copy of Dedication by Janet Mullany
Man Chase by Joseph Chadwick
Three women wanted him – His wife…for the wedding ring she didn’t deserve; the redhead…who “forgot” to tell him she was married; the blonde…for the affair she craved.
What…no brunettes? What’s wrong with the man?
Summer Widow by Florence Stonebraker
What did the beach boys have that her husband didn’t? Maggie meant to find out – and did!
Florence Stonebraker??! Do you think that was really her name?
Hell is a Woman by Garrett W. Deas
Helen loved other men behind his back…Mary Ann loved them in front of him… Lorna loved too, but in very special ways… They taught Ben Randall how to separate the women from the girls!
Hell? Sounds like old Ben isn’t having that bad a time. And “very special ways”? What on earth could those be?
Lust in Paradise by William Vaneer
Island paradise – or tourist trap? Blissful isle – or haven of lechery?
Well, let me see, now. I wonder which it would be…
I’m a great fan of eBay, where you can find things you didn’t even know you wanted, and certainly don’t need. It was there I found this batch of pulp novels circa 1960 and which inspired my contest contribution.
Your task, dear reader, is to rewrite these (original) cover blurbs as though they were Regencies or lost masterpieces by Jane Austen. All, or one–I won’t judge on quantity, but on quality (unlike the defunct Beacon press which churned these lovelies out). If you find that too daunting, give us the first sentence(s). Grammar and spelling are not as important as wild creativity and the ability to make tea come out of my nose.
Here’s an example: Summer Widow–visiting Brighton to recover her health, shy widow Maggie Stonebraker (oh, I just love that name) finds herself strangely attracted to the bronzed, handsome young man who drives her bathing machine…and his donkey.
I know you can do better than that. Go to it, and win a copy of my book Dedication (which will probably seem rather tame in comparison). You have until Saturday at midnight to post your entry.
And have you entered the Treasure Hunt? Go on, don’t be shy…and visit every day for more thrills, chills n spills with daily prizes.
Janet Mullany