What is it about cats and books? Why do cats love books so much? Are they really the most comfortable beds around? Or are the cats actually reading on the sly?

Or do cats perhaps grow jealous of the attention we pay our books, and conspire to stop us from reading them? (Or, in a related theory, do they see where our attention is focused, and opt to lie there?)

Why do I ask? Well, after Lois won the biography of the Prince Regent here a couple weeks ago, she found she had to share the book with her cat — as you can see in the above picture!

Very cute cat. I love cats. And books.

Hmm… Is there a link somewhere here?

Is it possible that we’re dealing with more than just the love cats have for books?

Might it be possible that book people tend to be cat people? (Or is that a lie perpetuated by cat-lovers to bolster their own egos?)

What do you think? Are you a cat person? do you think readers tend to be cat people? If so, why? Or are all those cats in bookstores merely a coincidence, or evidence of yet another cat conspiracy?

And what’s your theory about why cats love to lie on books???

All opinions welcome!

Cara King — author of MY LADY GAMESTER, in which there is a brief mention of a kitten, but sadly little else in the feline line