It’s been an exciting week here at the Riskies: Both Amanda and Janet have new books out, and the other 2/3rds of us are very proud.
It’s always gratifying when a friend achieves an important accomplishment: sometimes I think half the purpose of belonging to writers’ groups is to be able to receive the accolades (and ‘cyber chocolate,’ although Literal Me took the longest time to figure out what that was. I never said I was smart. Oh, wait; yes, I did.) when something cool happens. I love being able to share someone else’s special moment.
I think camaraderie, even–and perhaps even more so–in the cyber age, is crucial for anyone engaged in a somewhat solitary pursuit, whether it’s writing, telecommuting, knitting (hi, KJ!), or being a stay-at-home parent (hi, Me!)
Do you belong to any groups where communal support is an essential element? How do you guys celebrate? If you don’t, where do you find your own private cheerleaders?
So I raise my faux-cyber glass of champagne to my fellow Riskies in tribute: Congratulations, ladies! And may you be able to return the toast to the rest of us very soon!
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Megan wrote:
Do you belong to any groups where communal support is an essential element? How do you guys celebrate? If you don’t, where do you find your own private cheerleaders?
Hmm! Private cheerleaders! Now, that’s a notion I find very intriguing! 🙂
Seriously, many kudos to Amanda and Janet! This is indeed a week brimming over with distinction for the Riskies.
One of my co-authors and I used to offer each other champagne whenever we got a paper published. We never actually drank the champagne, but it’s the thought that counts.
Mmmmm, champagne! 🙂
This is one of the best parts about being on a group blog, or being a part of a close-knit world like romance writing–the fact that there are so many shared celebrations. Writing can be so hard and lonely at times, I don’t think I could do it without people around who understand, cheer when something good happens, and drag me along when I’m down.
Okay, now I might start crying. And I’m at work and everything. 🙂
Congratulations again to Janet and Amanda! I think Amanda said it beautifully “Writing can be so hard and lonely at times, I don’t think I could do it without people around who understand, cheer when something good happens, and drag me along when I’m down.”
I can’t imagine this crazy business without my writer friends. One friend and I did a booksigning together on Tuesday (we both have a book out) and eight other writer friends came to support us, which was wonderful. Celebrating a book’s release with fellow writers who knew just how much work it took to get there is that much meaningful.
BTW, Megan, what’s with the Dr. Quinn pic? Is that a congrats card on their engagement? 🙂
I don’t “belong” per se to any group, but I do haunt certain boards and blogs regularly and am close to a few of the people. The romance writing community is very, very supportive, gracious, and kind. I cannot say enough good things about how glad I am to be a part of it.
Many, many congratulations to Ammanda and Janet.
Thank you to the Riskies for allowing me to blather on and on here every day.
A huge special thank you to Ammanda and Diane.
And it was so lovely at RWA National to find the sweet real presence behind the bonnet icon, Keira.
As for support, I’ve got my amazing longtime book discussion group, The Unreadables, who not only have a name but a web page, and who come to my readings when they could be poking their noses into far worthier — though sometimes much more difficult — books.
First of all, big congrats to Amanda and Janet. The release of a book is truly something to celebrate!
I find support not from a group but from fellow writers. Maybe because writing is such a solitary endeavor to begin with, I tend to relate the trials and tribulations of the craft better in a one-one one dialogue.
And one reason is because so few people really understand what a writer goes through to create a book. As Amanda says, most friends just sort of smile and say “that’s nice” . . like it is a given that once you have published one, everything is smooth sailing from there. It’s hard to explain to others that it’s not without sounding whiney.
But other writers, whether pubbed or unpubbed, understand all the self- doubts and the fears we go through, wondering, Is this good? Are the characters compelling? Am I doing it right? It’s a very lonely process, even when it’s exhilarating at times. So when we finish, it feels feels very special to share the elation with those who know what we went through to get there.
So again, a toast to Amanda and Janet. It’s an achievement to be tremendously proud of!
The Dr. Quinn pic is what I got when I image-googled “Congratulations.” I thought it was a hoot.
And Congratulations to all of us for being so supportive of each other! (no tears, Amanda)
Pam….(now, I’m the one blinking back wet stuff)…THANKS!! My pleasure!
Congrats to Janet and Amanda!! This cyber community has been my resource of cheerleaders. Frankly, I couldn’t have chosen a better group of people whether they are here or haunting the many other blogs I post on.
And Kiera, right back at cha!
Keira! I was worried about you. You seemed too quiet lately.
Besides the Riskies, I have a small circle of local writer friends. We meet for brunch or lunch. We often have something to celebrate (if someone finishes a tricky scene that counts). A typical celebration for us would be mimosas with lunch and then something chocolate afterwards.