OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALast weekend, I had a great time attending the Netherfield Ball hosted by the JASNA North Texas chapter!  Over 200 people, plus real, live musicians, celebrated the 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice with tea sandwiches, cakes, beautiful gowns, and dancing….

(Here is their website for more info on the event…)

I seldom make it to dance practice here (they have classes two days a month, and I always seem to miss them!), but I was able to dance some of the easier sets and enjoyed watching the rest, fanning myself from a chair on the sidelines and pretending I had just been snubbed by Mr. Darcy.  I knew I had watched many of the movie adaptations too often, since I recognized the steps from several of the dance scenes.  Like Mr. Beveridge’s Maggot, from Emma and P&P:

Some more Emma:

Some Becoming Jane (I had forgotten DS Hathaway from the Inspector Lewis mysteries was in this one!  Poor guy…)

Some waltzing from Young Victoria (wrong period, I know!  I just love this gown so much):

I had a wonderful time, and hope they will hold another ball next year!  (I had to keep resisting pulling a Lydia and running around squealing “I long for a ball!!”).  Wearing the gowns, doing the dance steps, and talking to other people who love the period is always a great inspiration for writing.  Plus a ton of fun!

Do you dance?  What is your favorite style??  What would you wear to the Netherfield Ball?