As you all know, I’m the slacker of the group, reading-wise, so I always feel a bit embarrassed when we do this Favorite Books of 2008 (which we’ll be doing all week except for Cara who is doing Horatio Hornblower-lucky ducky-or maybe I’m the only one and I just forgot what we decided). I’m embarrassed because I haven’t read a huge list of books.

This year I read my friends:

I loved all of these. I know I’ve read others but these came to mind first.
I have tons of friends’ books on my TBR pile as well.

I read a fair amount about psychic phenomena because I had a story idea but I’ve tabled that for the moment.

I have TONS of Research books I wish I’d read and I shall provide you a partial list:

The Verneys by Adrian Tinnniswood. The Verneys apparently never threw out a piece of paper and thus amassed the largest and most complete record of correspondence in the world. Plus they had some interesting characters in the family, including a serial adulterer, an unwed mother, a hero, and a petty criminal.
I bought this book at nearly full price; now you can find it discounted

Rites of Peace by Adam Zamoyski.
I forgot where I bought this one, but I purchased it to learn about the Congress of Vienna.

The Making of Victorian Values by Ben Wilson
This book (whose author looks very very young) promises to talk about the transistion from the Georgian era to the Victorian. In other words, the Regency! I purchased this one at a book fair. Great bargain at $7.00

The Curate’s Lot by A. Tindal Hart
I’m pretty sure I bought this from Dee Hendrickson who sold off her wonderful book collection. It will explain the life of a curate from medevial times to the twentieth century.

Tried by Their Peers by Rupert Furneaux
Somebody mentioned this book, probably on the Beau Monde loop and I promptly ordered it from It relates trials in the House of Lords for such exciting things as poisoning, bigamy, divorce, dueling

George IV by Steven Parissien
Another bargain book and my latest acquisition. More about Prinny! What could be better.

I wish I’d read all of these in 2008, but now I can just aspire to read them in 2009. Stop by next year and see how I did.

What books do you wish you’d read in 2008?
When do you read? Do you read before going to bed? I do but I fall asleep.

Here are pics of the grandcats. Moscow masquerading as a chicken and PB the kitten.

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Come visit the Wet Noodle Posse blog. We’re focusing on Life this year.