Apparently I think way too much about movies I am likely not to be able to see until they come out on DVD. So here I am again, talking film (I did not go see Conan after all–early reviews made it look excruciatingly bad, not excruciatingly bad-fun, so we went to see Crazy, Stupid Love, and I do not regret it).

And except for D’Artagnan’s unfortunate hair, everything in this trailer makes it look like the film–due out in theaters in October–is fun.

Plus the actors! Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Mads Mikkelsen (swoon!), Christoph Waitz, Luke Evans, and Orlando Bloom–there’s a whole lotta fun stuff and good acting to look at there.

And it’s well-documented I love mash-ups, so the steampunk aspect of this is also intriguing. I have to admit to having seen the Michael York Three Muskeeteers at least twenty times growing up (and read the book likely more than that), so I am happy to have new life breathed into something I know, and love, so well.

So–does this look fun? Or lame? Or possibly both?