This will be a quick blog because I still am not finished the book ( due today).

This book is Number 2 in my Three Soldiers series.

The Prologue is set in Badajoz, as in each book:

This book starts at the Battle of Waterloo at Hougoumont:

And it ends in London (or I think it ends in London. I haven’t gotten there yet!)

Today I also have to take “Devil Cat” to the vet (or get my daughter to do it)

And I have to pack for RWA. I bought these two dresses (or at least one somewhat similar to the black one pictured here):

I hope to see some of you at RWA!

I’ll be signing books at the Literacy signing on Weds July 15 and at the Harlequin signing, Friday July 17 at 9:45 am

And don’t forget our informal Risky Regencies gathering in the Bar at the Marriot Wardman Park hotel, Saturday, 4 pm.

Next Monday I’ll do an RWA blog and let you know how the conference went!