
I am currently in Los Angeles, California for the Romantic Times Convention. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s an annual event geared more towards readers than authors, although there are plenty of authors here. I’m exhausted–we return home today, and we’ve been busy spreading the word about our site, HeroesandHeartbreakers.com (I’m out here with Liz Edelstein, aka Liz Maverick, who runs the site. I work for her as Community Manager).
Anyhoo, it’s busy, and I’m tired, but also excited that so much fun, cool, ground-breaking stuff is pending on the horizon.
It makes me really long to get back to writing, which makes it equally frustrating since I don’t have time to do that much anymore.
Hm. Conundrum.
But meanwhile, I got to hang–in person–with people who read stuff I do, are smart, funny, knowledgeable and accepting. All very cool. In about a month, I head to New England for their conference, where I get to hang out with Myretta Robens, another writing friend. And in the summer is RWA’s National Conference, which is taking place in my hometown of New York City, and I’ll get to see most–all?–the Riskies. Yay!
Hope everyone’s Friday is going well.