“Friday On My Mind” by the Easybeats:

Tonight….I spend my bread,
Tonight…I lose my head,
Tonight…I got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind.

This week was my first full week after National and Family-Visiting. And an eventful one! My new agent sent pitches out on That Subtle Knot, my Regency-set historical. I’ve been writing “Fortune’s Lady,” my super-sexy novella, and a writing friend (known as The Delightful Phone Friend at my blog) just told me my writing’s getting better and better (good thing, too, or else this post would have been a lot more dour. Now I am happy.)

Question to more-published authors: What is a reasonable waiting period before I start deluging my agent with anxious emails?

The whole family has been getting Olympics fever, so much so that the could-not-sleep Spouse ended up watching women’s gymnastics last night. Bet I’ll never be able to say that last clause ever again in my entire life. My son, an enthusiastic swimmer, has taken to calling Michael Phelps “Phelpy” which is so cute I can not stand it. And track and field is still to come!

By the way, I have long been a fan of director Zhang Yimou, who has got to be the most amazing visionary in terms of color and scenery ever. He is the Chief Creative Director of the opening and closing Olympics ceremony, and my goodness, he did not disappoint. For more of his work, check out Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Curse of the Golden Flower.

Next week is my 44th birthday, which I like ’cause 4 is one of my two favorite numbers (19 is the other one; guess what day my birthday is on?). I am looking forward to sushi and gelato that evening, having lunch with a girlfriend sans Son that day.

And then the whole family goes to the Jersey Shore for a week. Yay! The VERY Hard-Working Spouse needs a break.

And then? AND THEN? School starts September 2!

The bad news is that my shift key is being a PITA. But that is minor, right?

I am not accustomed to being optimistic and forward-looking. My brain is frantically trying to find stuff to worry about, and it is succeeding. But still. Things are good.

Are you happy about anything? What are you doing for the last few weeks of summer? Are you watching the Olympics? Which is your favorite event thus far? Which athlete are you crushing on (mine is Ryan Lochte)?