To begin with, a little scheduling:

Next Tuesday, join us when (through the Jane Austen Movie Club) we’ll talk about our favorite heroines in Jane Austen movies.

And the following Tuesday, I’ll finally unveil JANE AUSTEN’S “PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.”

(I meant to have it ready for today, but I was kidnapped by a masked man who kept me busy with vocal warmups all evening…)

Now, the topic of the day:

Gateway Regencies!

After all, if a gateway drug is something that lures the inexperienced on to using more and more drugs…

then a Gateway Regency is clearly a Regency that gets a reader hooked on the genre.

So…what Regencies were your Gateway Regencies?

Which ones lured you to try more, and more, and more…

until reading Regencies was…

more than just a terrific means of entertainment…

more than just a great way to relax…

more than just a window on the past…

more than just a mentally stimulating pastime…

but became a way of life.

(Or a great fantasy life!)

Have you gotten anyone else hooked on Regencies?

If so, what Gateway Regencies did you supply them with…

or recommend to them?

Which books, which authors?

Did you ever recommend a fabulous book, which ended up being not the best book to hook someone with?

If a friend came to you today, and said she (or he) wanted to give the Regency genre a try…

and asked you what Regency to start with…

which book or books, or author or authors, would you recommend?

What sort of books in general would you recommend? (New, old, short, long, mostly history, mostly romance, mostly comedy, or what?)

Or are you of the opinion that Regencies are your private little world, and you don’t want your friends and family to read them too?

All answers welcome!

Cara King, who could be crushed under the weight of the Regencies she owns if there’s a big enough earthquake