Today is the Official Start of the Holiday Season. If you’re like me (and honestly, I hope for your psyche’s sake you’re not), you’re wishing various members of your family would just shut up. Thanksgiving? I’m giving thanks I don’t see you except once a year*.

But I digress.

The Holiday Season is where we name our favorite things:

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings

Uh, for me, not so much.

I am grateful for (in no particular order):

1. My Risky Regency Friends, both my fellow posters and our lovely community.
2. Clive Owen
3. Silver Hoop Earrings
4. Coffee
5. Flavored Coffee
6. Books
7. HEAs
8. Loretta Chase
9. Mary Balogh
10. Carla Kelly
11. Cashews
12. Black hoodies
13. Sean Bean
14. Jane Austen
16. BLTs
17. Artichokes
18. Converse Sneakers

19. Wine
20. Port
21. Peanut Butter
22. Barbara Hambly
23. The Picky Vegetarian
24. The Delightful Phone Friend
25. The Partner-in-Crime
26. The Faux Critique Partner
27. Greek Yogurt
28. Lee Child
29. Elsa Schiaparelli
30. The Scent of Grapefruit

I could go on and on (and have!); what are you grateful for this Holiday Season?

*I am not normally this bitter, but geez, can’t we have some interesting conversation? Plus I woke up too early to get here, so I’m crabby. I promise I am on my best behavior in public, it’s just inside my head I am this snarly.