
By now, you’ve no doubt noticed that the remarkable Myretta Robens is posting here on Saturdays when I do not. Myretta knows far more about titles, Jane Austen, and ignoring cats to write than I do, so please bug her for advice (as I do).


My romantic women’s fiction title Vanity Fare came out this week, and it was cool to see it in Target stores, as well as track it online (“only 16 copies left!”). The response has been mostly positive, and even the negative critiques have been helpful.

I currently working on a very light historical, and been reading some light historicals to motivate my brain; unlike most writers, I love reading in the same genre in which I’m writing. So to ask you:

What’s your favorite light historical book or author? Julia Quinn is the Queen, of course, but which of hers are particular favorites? Or anybody else?

And hope everyone had, and is having, a lovely holiday season.

