I hope you all enjoyed your New Year’s, whether you got out or like me, did the cocoon thing. My family and I always celebrate by cooking together and trying new recipes. Last night it was shrimp and pancetta over pasta for dinner, with mint chocolate mousse for dessert. Yum!

I feel very grateful for the changes that came in 2010. My husband continues to recover from his stroke and I have found more time to take care of myself. This summer, I started swimming again. I also started going to Buddhist meditation classes. I am not a good meditator—some days my mind is still like that proverbial barrel of monkeys on crack!—but just trying seems to be helpful. My family seem determined not to let me miss any classes… maybe they’re trying to tell me something. 🙂

I am most grateful that I’ve been able to get back to writing this fall. I even finished something! I’ll tell more if it goes somewhere, but even if it doesn’t, it was a blast and helped me feel like a writer again.

So I have no formal resolutions for 2011 other than to continue to take care of everyone (including myself) and to keep writing!

How was your New Year’s celebration? Is there anything about 2010 you are particularly grateful for? Something to look forward to in 2011?

Wishing you all the best in 2011,
