I attended my friend Beth’s birthday party the other day. Beth loves vintage everything from the 1960s so it was a 1960s themed party complete with peace symbol party favors and a game of 1960s Jeopardy (to which I answered a couple of questions right…)

So I got to thinking…How was the Regency like the 1960s?

Most obviously, perhaps, there was a war going on, a war lasting several years.

The war with Napoleon must have felt to the British citizens like a far away event, but the Vietnam War was played out in our living rooms through the magic of television. And, of course, the wars ended very differently.

There was social unrest.
The Peterloo Massacre happened when the local magistrate ordered the militia to break up a protest demonstration against the Corn Laws and advocating for other civil liberties.

The 1960s also had protests broken up violently, both those fighting for Civil Rights and, later, those protesting the Vietnam War.

Fashions changed dramatically
From the Georgian to the Regency

From the 1950s to the 1960s

I’m sure there were other similarities, like technological advances. The Regency was beginning to explore the uses of the steam engine, for example, and the 1960s introduced manned space flights.

Can you think of other similarities or differences?

Don’t forget I’m blogging on Thursday on Diane’s Blog. Tomorrow there I’ll announce last week’s winner of a signed copy of Gallant Officer, Forbidden Lady.
Blogging at DianeGaston.com