People can be fanatical about things such as coffee, Clive Owen, black hooded sweatshirts, silver hoop earrings.

Yes, that’s just me. But that’s okay, this is MY day to post, and I’ve got packing to do, and a darn house to clean, and San Francisco to get to, and introvertism to overcome, and–yeah. You know.

One thing I am not fanatical about is getting to see or read stuff early. Honestly, it makes me feel like a dud. For example, I still haven’t seen The Dark Knight; I’ll get to it eventually (maybe Monday!), but it hasn’t been burning a hole in my chest or anything.

Likewise, Stephenie Meyer‘s Breaking Dawn is pre-ordered from Amazon, but not because I plan on reading it as soon as it ships–no, I just like the pre-order price discount. I’m cheap, not fanatical.

And the X-Files movie opens today. And Josh Whedon‘s Dr. Horrible has been online and causing havoc and frenzy. And Nas‘s record came out. And the iPhone. And Sherrilyn Kenyon‘s Acheron. And loads of other pop culture things that other people are so excited about, and I am, too, but I’m not as early adoptive.

I envy people that passionate devotion to things. I was pondering just what would make me get all fluttery, so passionate I had to not only GET the thing (like a book), but sit down and ingest it right away. Nothing. J.R. Ward, I get as soon as it releases, but I usually wait to read it, just because I’m in the middle of another book. Movies? I’ve got a nine year-old, and a workaholic husband–you do the math.

Makeup? Nope. Shoes? Uh-uh. I do like hearing music as soon as it’s out–and sometimes before (the benefit of having a music reviewing husband)–but I don’t chase it down. I do proselytize, as in the case of Adele, Duffy, Alice Smith and Rufus Wainwright (back in the day, before his first record came out). But I don’t HAVE to hear it day-of-release.

I think I might get crazy when Clive Owen (my favorite, duh) is finally starring as Philip Marlowe (one of my favorite fictional detectives) written by one of my favorite authors (Raymond Chandler), directed by Frank Miller (Sin City!). Then I might make sure the babysitter’s lined up. Might.

What are you fanatical about? Do you get or see or hear things as soon as they are released?