Mother’s Day is this Sunday. And since companies have been deluging us with advertising reminding us all of this fact since April, I won’t ask if you mailed a card/figured out a gift/unplugged your phone.

I am a mother (And a daughter of a mother, for that matter). And, like a lot of mothers, what I really want for Mother’s Day is some sleep, the freedom to take a nap (or two!). Maybe read uninterrupted by requests to get a glass of water, find someone’s keys, weigh in on what Pokemon I’d like to be, or watch a sports highlight. Bliss.

It’s hard, I think, for one day to bear the load of gratitude children and husbands and partners want to bestow on mothers–I know I always feel an inordinate amount of pressure to make sure my mother-in-law has a great day, and that I get some fun myself.

But, since we can, let’s just imagine what we’d like best for a treat. I’ll start:

an ARC of Loretta Chase‘s Your Scandalous Ways.

That bookcase, above (it only costs $3,990).

A Pucci scarf.

Not having to wait until December to see the movie version of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer‘s brilliant YA vampire book.

Iced coffee and a cupcake with my best friend, the Picky Vegetarian, who lives in Portland, OR.

. . . And an extravagant gift certificate to Amazon.

What are you longing for ? What are you doing for your mom? If you’re a mom, what are you hoping for this Sunday?
