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Stand Back! I’m Going to Try (Regency) Science!

Sort of. As you’ll see.

In the course of Googling historical stuff in Google Books, I came across a reference to something I’d not heard of before: Chimney Ornaments. Which led to more Googling and the discovery of instructions to crystallize things in order to make chimney ornaments. Chimney ornaments are things you put on your mantle — just like today!

I read the instructions for how a young lady might amuse herself by crystallizing things and thought it didn’t sound too complicated. Basically, you need the following items:

  • A quart of Spring Water (beer measure)
  • 18 oz Alum
  • A jar or container
  • String
  • A wooden stick or something
  • Something to crystallize

Science Requires Accuracy and Precision

You’ve probably guessed that I ran into trouble right away. I am nothing, however, if not adaptable.

I won’t bore you too much with the details, but finding that much alum wasn’t all that easy. I started at the drug store, tried the grocery store and ended up at various websites. Did I need did alum powder or alum crystals? I didn’t know. I assumed powder was what I needed but now think it wouldn’t have mattered if I’d obtained alum crystals.

At last, I obtained 16 oz of alum for an amount that didn’t make me see red with rage. All I needed to do is wait for delivery.  My alum came in due course.

We’re on well water here at Jewel central so I pretended that was the spring water.

The container, stick and something to crystallize was also easy.

String was an issue. Someone cleaned out the junk drawer where there used to be string. I decided I would use leftover ribbon from wrapping Christmas presents. (That turned out not to be necessary.)

Math and Measures

The next hurdle was figuring what a quart of water, beer measure is. After much Googling the answer appeared to be: a quart.

Naturally, I was suspicious of that result. Why call it a beer quart if it’s the same thing as an actutal quart? Two different sources showed a table in which a beer measure quart was equal to a quart. Must be true, right?

I declined to confirm this by doing the math for a square inch of water and calculating that out.

Note: If I’d forced my son to do the math for me, one of us would have been peeved at the interruption of Skyrim for mathematics anyone could do. (The teenage math whiz is not particularly understanding of the math challenged.)

As you can see from the ingredient list, it’s 18oz of Alum per quart of water. I also declined to calculate how much water I needed for 16 oz of alum (since that’s how much I had). I estimate all the time when I’m cooking dinner and nobody’s died yet.

Note: based on the results, the stated proportion is WRONG or else a beer quart measure is more like a quart plus 1.5 cups, give or take.

Better Living Through Chemistry

You’re supposed to dissolve the alum in hot spring water. When it’s almost cool, you tie a string to the object to be crystallized, tie the other end of the string to a stick or something and suspend the item in the alum water. You put the container in a cool dark place and leave it for 24 hours.

What could be simpler?

Indeed, what? (Said in an ominous tone…)

I decided I would crystallize a rose, because wouldn’t that be pretty? The instructions said you could crystallize grass, moss, flowers and other dainty things. A rose is pretty dainty, I thought. Well, as it turns out, actually not dainty enough. There’s a reason the guy didn’t mention crystallizing roses and specifically mentioned only very small, very VERY delicate things.

Also, leftover ribbon from Christmas proved to be an unusable substitution for string. It was also an unnecessary one because the rose was buoyant. You cannot suspend a buoyant object in solution.

As you’ll see, I found a work around.

The Results in Pictures – Round One

The pictures were taken via iPhone or a Nikon D-80 with a macro lens because it’s the only lens I have right now.

Friday, December 30, 2011

I call this “Alum Sludge” You cannot dissolve 16 oz of alum in only a quart of water. I had already added more water in this picture, and more is needed. My rose had a long stem AND it floated. Suspending the rose was not actually possible. Luckily, with a lid on, the long stem hit the top of the lid and kept the rose jammed down in the jar.

I should mention that a bud attached to the rose I was using broke off. I let it drift to the bottom of the jar. Same with some little leaves. More about them anon.

At this point, I did not hold out much hope of anything like success.

24 Hours Later

I had forgotten all about my experiment. You should all be grateful I did not go into science as a career.

I was on deadline, see, and not cooking. Take-out and survival of the fittest only in the Jewel household. There was no need to open the side of the pantry where I put the jar. In fact, after I turned in the book on January 2, I made cookies for dinner. They were delicious. The sugar and flour are on the other side of the pantry.  I did not see the jar.

Ignorance, they say, is bliss.

I enjoyed my day off on Monday. I ate more delicious cookies and put whipped cream in my coffee.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rose In Alum Solution

Most of Wednesday, I thought it was Tuesday. You may recall my post to that effect. This is what my experiment looked like (above). Note that the water is no longer cloudy with alum, yet whitish. It’s more yellow. Like maybe horse pee yellow. That’s because the rose I used is a Honey Dijon rose, which is a beautiful bronzy yellow.

Rose in Alum Solution after way more than 24 hours

Oh. Oh, dear.

There ARE Crystals

Hm. Wonder what this looks like? There are crystals, yes, but this is OBVIOUSLY not the delicate, crystallized rose a Regency Lady would make whilst she dreams of her brother’s hot friend.

Umm. Basically WTF?

Most of the crystals that appear to cover parts of the leaves sheared off with a disgusting plop. It didn’t smell, which was good, but yeah. It’s pretty much as gross as it looks.

Rose Decomposed

Are there words to describe this? Probably, but I won’t use them here.

Lump of Alum Crystals. They sloughed off a leaf.

What I was left with was a rotting rose which I put into the compost, lumps of alum crystals that sloughed off the leaves, which were in no way strong enough to hold the weight of huge (relatively speaking) clumps of alum material.


Pictures of the minor success in a bit.

Kind of Pretty. Alum Crystals

This is for artistic effect. Sparkly crystals. Oooh.

The Broken Off Bud From The Bottom of The Jar

This is the bud that broke off. It’s pathetic and sorry-looking but there ARE crystals clinging to it. Plainly, the process works. Just not following my method. Or that guy from 1807.

Two Little Rays of Sunshine

This isn’t a total disaster. There are lessons learned and some interesting results that point me in the right direction . . .

These shots were taken after the salvageable bits had dried overnight or longer.

Two crystallized bits

These are the two small bits of matter that broke off and floated to the bottom of the jar . . .

Close up of the top of the Rosebud

Another shot of the top of the Rosebud

As you can see, the tiny rosebud, while still a hot mess, has its bits of crystal beauty.

Very small leaves with crystals

Three kind-of crystallized leaves.

I pretended the scattered alum crystals were diamonds. Feel free to do the same.

Obverse of 3 leaves, covered with crystals

Another shot of crystallized Stuff

Plainly, this project can succeed if I work out the alum solution issues and use very small and very delicate matter to crystallize. They’re kind of pretty in a way.

Project Crystallization – Part 2

I decided I would reuse my alum solution. The instructions say you can find clever ways to color the water and so achieve crystals with color. As you might recall, my alum solution is horse pee yellow. For a while, I thought, sure! Yellow is a happy sunny color. But every time I looked at the jar, it looked like horse pee.

Through twitter, someone pointed me in the direction of instructions from 1900 in which the process was mostly the same, only the instructions were clearer. Also these instructions said that the alum must be dissolved in hot water (over the stove) until the point at which the water can no longer absorb the alum. Hot diggity! I was already most of the way there with my yellow alum solution and copious alum sludge and lumps of pre-crystallized alum.

I put my ingredients in our cast-iron pot, which had last been used to make popcorn, by the way. I decided I would add three drops of red food coloring so as to make the solution orange, because orange does not look like horse pee. Orange is another happy color. Also, we only had red food dye because my son likes red velvet cake, which I cannot eat because I am allergic to red dye.

Alum Solution Success?

Alum Solution No Longer Looks Like Horse Pee

I realize this looks kind of like tomato soup. But I soldiered on. As the sludgy solution heated, it began to smell suspiciously like popcorn.  I continued to stir and think about melted butter and before long, all the alum was dissolved. Like magic almost.

But, I wondered, have I contaminated my solution with the residue of popcorn cooked the only way you should ever bother making popcorn? I decided to filter my solution using a funnel and a Chem-Ex coffee filter.

Only when I was already filtering did it occur to me that I did not know whether dissolved alum would pass through the filter or be trapped in some kind of awful “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids But Not Small Enough” parody.

Well, too late.

Cheerfully orange Alum Solution Filtering

Filtering the Solution into the Jar

Well, obviously, some of the red dye was filtered out. The filter itself was not gritty nor was there any residue that I could detect. I figure there’s alum in there.

Ominous Orange Alum Solution

My alum solution no longer looks vaguely like tomato soup. A tomato-soupy-ish solution might actually be kind of comforting. This looks like poison to me and to be honest, I’m pretty sure some Poison Dart Frogs are this color. Whatever you think it looks like, it is, however, completely free of alum sludge.

A Doomed Fern Frond

I went outside and clipped a bit of delicate fern frond, just like a Regency Lady would have done. I was wearing my fuzzy black slippers because it was cold outside, jeans, and my Bronte sisters T-shirt so, yeah. Not period at all. Comfy though.

Wooden Skewer holding a Clothes Pin Holding the Doomed Fern Frond

 Since we still didn’t have string, but I did know where there was a clothes pin and a wooden skewer, I jury-rigged a system for suspending the fern frond in the poison dart-frog alum solution.

The Plunge! Fern Frond in the Alum Solution

Fern Frond at the Bottom of the Jar

24 hours later?

I will continue my Adventures in Regency Science next week.

I left you last Wednesday on a bit of a cliffhanger. If you missed it, that post is here. I was attempting to follow an early 19th century recipe that, one supposes, any young Regency lady might do as a project to pass the time.

A few general observations and hyptheses about my results, which were not the Epic Failure of last week’s post, but not quite an unqualified success. Then we’ll move to pictures

1. The instructions say to leave the item in the alum solution for 24 hours. My best results came when I removed the item after something like 2 hours.

2. Based on No.1 I began to wonder if today we have what might be called Super Alum from the perspective of a Regency lady trying to impress her bother’s hot friend with her artistic abilities. Is today’s alum so pure I need to considerably dilute my solution? Or is a beer quart of water more like a gallon?

3. Could I possibly have a crystallizing super power? (If so, why did it take so long to manifest?)

4. The crystals are not even remotely orange. Or that unfortunate yellow. They are still white. Super Alum may be impervious to red food dye and rose pigment.

5. I believe my finest results would be displayed on a Regency mantle by an indulgent papa, to be, alas, thoroughly mocked by the brother, as any sibling would do, regardless of the century.

Edited to add: I just discovered that if you click on a picture, you get a slide show. And since I uploaded very high-resolution pictures, you can see an amazing amount of detail. I high recommend doing that. Really. One of the pictures has a reflection of the view from the kitchen window…

Picking up from the Cliffhanger in Pictures

Fern Frond. It is Green

Surely this is delicate enough? Frond snipped and dipped.

24 hours later . . . .

Fern Frond?

Or the Loch Ness Monster?

This picture (above) looks more successful than it was. It’s definitely prettier and not a rotting mess. But the crystals are quite heavy. The frond used to be delicate. now it’s not, except to touch. But this IS a crystallized fern frond.

A clump. The crystals are still too big and heavy for the delicate fern fond. Your brother’s hot friend will not be sufficiently impressed. Damn.

The Technique Requires Refinement


I reheated my solution and went looking for more victims.

Witches Brew, Poison Dart Frog Color

A doomed fuschia.

I used a quarter to weight my clothes pin so it would stop flipping over because of the bouyant fuschia. I thought that was pretty clever, actually. When I was done, my son insisted on the return of his quarter.

Help me!!! Helllllloppppp Me!

The fuschia looks like a monster. A scary monster. Don’t go in the water!

Here’s the fuschia and the fern frond. Hanging out together. Thinking they’re safe. They’re not.

The Final Results?

Picture Taken Several Days Later


Well, this is somewhat successful, in that there’s crystals but as you can see, the fuschia is drying up, and it’s not what you’d call pretty.

So, I went and got another kind of fern frond, reheated my solution, and uttered my sacrificial prayer. Two hours later I walked past my Jar Of Science and saw there were crystals all over my frond. So I removed it even though there were, strictly speaking, 20 hours to go.

You’ll note that these crystals are considerably smaller.


It’s kind of pretty!


Not really.

This is the other side of the last fern frond. Again, kind of pretty. I could suspend them from something and it might look kind of cool if you only got a quick look!


I’m going to try again with a rose and a bath time of maybe an hour or two. I may also further dilute my solution.

The process works. But would the young Regency lady win the heart of her brother’s hot friend?

Or would she get revenge and attempt to crystallize someone’s pen knife?

Normally, I don’t cross-post my own blog with this one, but I’m making an exception because this has me hopping mad.

Last night, I posted this on my blog:

Go take a look at what Mr. Cale McCaskey has to tell us about Romance: The Problem with Romance

Women are, of course, quite familiar with arguments like his. They’ve been used for centuries to denigrate anything associated with women that would, if left unremarked, disprove the bias.

Basically, he’s saying that all Romance novels are inferior because if a book that might otherwise be called a romance is actually good, it’s necessarily anything but a romance. This is EXACTLY like the Victorian era physicians who performed an autopsy on a respected colleague only to discover that their colleague was a woman. When faced with the presence of female genitalia, they pronounced her a hermaphrodite. Because it just wasn’t possible for a WOMAN to have been successfully masquerading as a physician and to have been good at it, too.

Right. When the evidence contradicts you, redefine the world rather than adjust your assumptions.

I’m told he’s busy deleting comments he doesn’t like, so feel free to read his post and come comment here if you worry he’ll disagree with you and have to delete your comment in an attempt to keep his narrow world view safe from anything like truth or an open mind. [Risky Readers can comment here if they like.]


  • For him, Jane Eyre is a good novel so it’s not a Romance. (Forget the HEA)
  • Pride and Prejudice is trash (Because he didn’t like it, never mind that it’s still being read, critiqued, analyzed, transformed into other media and used as inspiration 200 plus years later.)
  • Those two Bronte sisters didn’t write anything besides Jane Eyre and [Wuthering Heights]. Forget Charlotte Bronte’s brilliant Villette (he might like it, though, because it’s not a romance.) And wait, wasn’t there THREE Bronte sisters? Why yes! There were. Ann Bronte wrote The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, which, OK, isn’t the greatest, but I’ve always thought it showed promise.

The intellectually challenged among us, which, I guess is anyone who reads romance, can comment about rainbows, unicorns and glitter. If you need help forming a coherent thought, I’m so sorry I’m too dumb to help you.

I recently purchased two reference books that I adore.

The first is The Great Houses of London by David Pearce (The Vendome Press) in which there is a floor plan for 26 Grosvenor Square (Derby House) c 1773 by Adams.

The floor plan shows two stories on a rectangular lot that was 50 feet wide. The house is shaped a bit like a squared off lower case b with the bottom portion of the B being the street facing side. The gap between the upstroke of the b and the rectangle of the lot appears to be a garden or other outdoor area. There was also a square structure at the back, the width of the lot, also two stories. That housed the kitchen on the ground floor and was connected by a walkway to the main house. The first floor of this structure housed the laundry, the hayloft and the groom’s room.

In the house proper, in the lower (square) of the b, the entry is on the left into the hall. To the right of the hall is an ante-room. “Above” the hall are two staircases, one to the left, the other to the right. To the right of the right-most staircase is a parlor.

In the upstroke of the b, from bottom to top are:

Great Eating Room
Lord Derby’s Dressing Room
Staircase || Cabinet
a staircase || a space into which the kitchen passage would exit.

Following that same pattern for the 1st floor:

Ante Room || First Drawing Room
Stairs || 2nd drawing room

In the upstroke of the b:
Third Drawing room
Lady Derby’s Dressing Room
Bed Chamber
stairs || Closet

Do you notice there is only one bedchamber?

The library is an oval (on its side)

Lady Derby’s Dressing Room is easily 1.5x the size of the bedchamber and, since it is over the library, it is also oval.

Lord Derby’s Dressing Room is really pretty small, and on the ground floor, while Lady Derby’s HUGE dressing room is on the 1st floor.

The 3rd drawing room as built opens into Lady Derby’s Dressing room and the opening is wide wide wide with columns. There would be no privacy between the two spaces.

The other book I bought is The Lost Mansions of Mayfair by Oliver Bradbury (Historical Publications). It is, as you might guess, all about Mayfair mansions that no longer exist. There are a LOT of pictures and illustrations. This book is lovely, but it makes me sad.


So. Why do YOU think Lord Derby’s Dressing Room is so small and where did he sleep?

Interview with The Amazing, Astounding, and Always Humble Author Carolyn Jewel

Join us in a big Riskies Welcome to author Carolyn Jewel. Her historical romance, Not Wicked Enough, is out now. You should rush out and buy a copy. Also copies for all your friends and neighbors. The dog might like a copy. In fact, you’ll probably need several for the dog. (HOURS when your pet is not chewing on your furniture!)
You’ll be thought of as a hero or heroine for doing this, no costume required! But you could wear one if you want. (Please send pics.)

Q: Tell us about yourself, Carolyn

A: Carolyn Jewel was born on a moonless night. That darkness was seared into her soul and she became an award winning author of historical and paranormal romance. She has a very dusty car and a Master’s degree in English that proves useful at the oddest times. An avid fan of fine chocolate, finer heroines, Bollywood films, and heroism in all forms, she has three cats and a dog. Also a son. One of the cats is his.

Q: Tell us About Your Book

A: When Lily Wellstone heads to the Bitterward Estate to comfort her widowed friend Eugenia, she certainly does not have romance in mind. In fact the playful but level-headed Lily is amused to no end when, en route, a gypsy gifts her with a beautiful medallion, claiming it will ensnare the romantic desires of a stranger.

But Fate has other plans in the form of Eugenia’s ruggedly handsome brother, the Duke of Mountjoy. One day at Bitterward and Lily can’t deny the sizzling attraction between her and the roguish duke. Nothing can come of it, of course. She’s not looking for entanglements and he’s practically engaged. But whether it’s her outgoing nature and the duke’s outlandish ways sparking off one another; or the mysterious gypsy medallion working “magic”—hearts are stirring in the most unexpected and wicked ways…

Q: Are you really Carolyn Jewel? Because I heard she’s shy and never does interviews.

A: Yes, I am Carolyn. You can be assured it’s true because I spell my last name correctly. It’s true I’m shy. Like most writers, I’m hard to spot in the wild unless you know what you’re looking for. I was tricked into coming here.

Q: I beg your pardon?

Oh, come on. Like you don’t know what happens.

Certain people will stand on a corner and say, in a deliberately loud voice, “I HATE this book!” And then they throw a book on the ground. Every writer within a three mile radius will converge on that location to see what book was so despised as to elicit that sort of reaction. At that point, it’s pretty easy to capture an author because they’re an emotional lot and they’re crying and in shock.

A more dangerous tactic is to stand outside a stationer’s or bookstore and yell “Free Moleskines!” As you can imagine, the danger of getting trampled is quite high. Sure, you can capture several authors with this method, but I don’t feel it’s a risk anyone should take.

Q: How were you captured?

A: It was the Moleskine trick. I really need a new one. Mine is almost full. That lady didn’t look like a liar.

Q: Let’s talk about the darkness seared into your soul.

A: It’s contagious.

Q: So. What’s your favorite scene in Not Wicked Enough?

A: It was the moonless night, really. A LOT of authors are born on moonless nights. You’d be surprised. We’re a bit sensitive because of that. I know, I know, everyone’s heard there’s one who was born in the afternoon on a sunny day, but honestly, how likely is that? It’s one of those urban myths. Check your spam. I bet you have a chain email with some sappy story about the writer born on a sunny day (It was NOT Stephen King!). Please, don’t forward it, okay? Anyway, if we’re not born on a moonless night, then it’s a rainy one, which is almost the same thing, or else we grew up in a labyrinth. Sometimes a literal one.

Q: So. What’s your favorite scene in Not Wicked Enough?

A: Why are you asking me to chose? It’s like asking me which of my children I love the best.

Q: Don’t you writer-types kill your darlings?


Q: Well?

A: Is that a Molskine?

hand slapping sound

Q: Back off or I’m tearing a page out of the middle.


What’s your favorite scene in Not Wicked Enough?

A: Fine. I like the scene when Lily takes off all her clothes on a dare. But I’m not saying that’s my favorite.

Q: Did that really happen?

A: I’m a writer. If I say it happened. It happened. In Chapter 17.

Q: Tell us about the series, Reforming the Scoundrels.

A: Not Wicked Enough is the first book in a series that will be loosely linked by a locket reputed to have magical properties, in that it unites the wearer with his or her perfect love. The second book is Not Proper Enough. It’s kind of dirty.

Q: Really? How Dirty?

A: Super dirty. So far. I just turned it in so who knows what stays. Of course, Not Wicked Enough is also dirty. I was telling the truth about Chapter 17.

Q: What’s Next for You?

A: Well, Not Proper Enough will be out in September 2012, that’s the book following Not Wicked Enough.

I’m doing a self-published historical romance anthology with NYT bestselling authors Courtney Milan and Sherry Thomas. The title of the anthology is Midnight Scandals, and it should be out in June or July of this year.

By the end of this month, I should have a My Immortals series novella available (self-published) which is a much expanded version of the short story Future Tense, with the sex scenes restored. I call it Future Tense, the Uncensored Version. It’s totally hot and also kind of dirty. I’m just waiting for some final editing on that.

My next project is a My Immortals novel. It will be about Harsh Marit and in that book I will be channeling my love of Arjun Rampal.

Q: What’s the giveaway?

A: You want me to give away your secret identity?

Q: No. If you do that, you won’t get any more cookies.

A: I’m giving away five copies of Not Wicked Enough with the expectation that the winners will do a review of the book in return. An HONEST review, please. No contract required. Rules are below. I’m happy to gift the digital version, by the way.

Giveaway Rules

Void where prohibited. Must be 18 or older to participate. You must also leave me a way to contact you in your comment or commit to checking back on Thursday to see if you won.

Leave a comment by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday February 8, 2012. It’s more fun if your comment is amusing, but it doesn’t have to be.

International is OK, but I will probably have to send international winners a paper copy.

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