Greetings from Hades. Last week I figured out that the villain in mess-in-progress isn’t working right. This week it’s been back to the drawing board: reexamining motivations, themes, figuring out what changes need to be made to the external plot (fortunately I think the romance is working).

I’ve been brainstorming but though I’ve come up with a bunch of ideas none of them is clearly a winner. It’s a natural phase in brainstorming but right now I’m more confused than I was when I started. Ugh.

I will not whine any more because I’m not half witty enough about it! I’ll just leave you with a few questions and some comic relief.

How important do you think villains are in a romance? Does a weak villain make or break a story for you? (Not that I’m going to let myself off the hook here!)

Fellow authors, do you ever find yourself in plotting hell? How do you escape (or do we ever)?

And now for the comic relief. My friend Therese Walsh from Writer Unboxed sent me this link to a Mitchell and Webb sketch on the trials of authorhood. Luckily, I’ve never had a real editor like this one. Except for the one in my own head, that is!
