Last Tuesday, of course, was finally the inauguration of President Obama! I watched TV all day, and besides the speeches and music and oaths, I wanted to see who wore what. (Shallow of me, I know, but it seems I was not alone–when I googled “Michelle Obama inauguration clothes” I found millions of hits!). I thought she looked great, both in the Isabel Toledo lemony-yellow dress and coat and the floaty white goddess gown by young New York designer Jason Wu. Elegant and appropriate, without being stuffy or dowdy (though I did not care for those green shoes!). Malia and Sasha Obama were adorable–I must get an orange scarf to go with my pink coat, immediately.
I have to say, though, my favorite outfits of the day belonged to Jill Biden. The red coat and groovy boots, the red chiffon Reem Acra gown–gorgeous. I love the way these women are making it not only fine, but fashionable, to be both smart and serious and have fun with clothes!
It made me wonder–what did some of the great ladies of history wear for their coronations? What I found: lots of white satin, gold embroidery, purple velvet, and ermine! I saw none of that on Tuesday…
Elizabeth I (January 15, 1559)
Marie Antoinette (I could not actually find a portrait; it was described as white satin, embroidered with gold thread, pearls, and sapphires. The date was June 11, 1775)
Queen Charlotte (September 22, 1761–she had just been married on September 8)
Empress Josephine (December 2, 1804)
Queen Victoria (June 28, 1838)
Tsarina Alexandra (May 14, 1896)
Elizabeth II (June 2, 1953–gown by Norman Hartnell, who also did her wedding dress in 1947. The embroidery is emblems of the British Empire)
If you were going to a coronation or an inauguration, what would you wear???
What a fun post, Amanda! Er, I’d probably wear my blue jeans. Sigh.
Michelle looked just wonderful . . .my only criticism was that they didn’t measure the white ball gown properly—did you notice she couldn’t dance? She kept picking at the hem, and it seemed Barack was stepping on it all the time.A shame because I think he wanted to get things rockin’ and he had to be so careful.
I love MO’s style—she looks like she’s having fun with her clothes, even if she sometimes wears things I would never wear (like big prints). Love the big jewelry and bright colors and cardigans.I’m so cranky about clothes I wound up wearing the same nother-of-the-bride dress to two of my daughters’ weddings (three years apart—I was counting on people forgetting).
Unless inaugurations get held in the Caribbean in January, I’d dress for warmth and even wear a hat, which I avoid unless I’m snow-shoveling. If I were invited to an inaugural ball, I’d probably dig out the navy blue mother-of-the-bride dress again!
What a sigh-worthy post. Such gorgeous pictures.
I did a quick lookup when I saw Michelle Obama’s off-white gown. It seems to have been a fairly popular color choice for presidental inaugural balls through the 20th century. So it definitely had precedence.
I love these smart women (Michelle and Jill) rocking it with their mothering skills, dressing skills, and intelligence. Thank goodness for getting the brain back in fashion.
PS: The press denotes Obama’s posse as The Hot Nerds of White House. 🙂
Regarding the length of the gown… It could be that she’s not used to anything with a train, unlike the Hollywood stars. She may not have worn many long gowns in her life. So neighter of the two were used to having that much cloth underfoot.
Er, ‘neither’ not ‘neighter’
It would have made sense to remove the train, or at least have a way to loop it up for dancing. I think I read somewhere that she had several gowns, and didn’t make a decision until late, so maybe that was overlooked. (The designer didn’t even know she was going to wear his gown until he saw her walk out in it on TV! I love the way she supports up-and-coming designers and takes fashion risks. It’s great to have a First Lady who wears stuff like Thakoon, LOL)
Hot nerds, tee-hee!
“Hot nerds of the White House” — I love it! Now we just gotta get Todd there, and there will be one more. 🙂
If I were going to an inauguration or coronation, and I didn’t have to stay warm, I’d wear a ball gown that wasn’t too uncomfortable. Maybe in lavender. 🙂
I loved Michelle’s yellow dress, but I wasn’t crazy about her ballgown. Not that it wasn’t pretty, I just think she would’ve looked better in a bold color with a sleeker silhouette.
I wish J. Crew was selling the girls’ coats to the general public. My daughter would look adorable in Malia’s.
If I were invited to an inaugural ball, first I would find a way to miraculously lose 50 lbs, and then I’d shop for something in a deep garnet red.
I blogged about the Presidential inaugurations of the late 19th/early 20th centuries and discovered a fashion blog detailing the inaugural gowns worn by past First Ladies! I liked Jill Biden’s clothing. The only issue I have with Michelle Obama is that it appears the Jackie O comparisons have gotten to her–or at least her stylist. I can’t wait for her to develop her own, individual, unique style so that the press can say: “That is so Michelle O.”
If it was my coronation, I’d probably wear a bear skin adorned with the skulls of my enemies. Nothing like starting out on the right foot. ;-j
For an Inaugural Ball I’d choose a gown by Max Azria. (I was in his couture store in SF and actually got tears in my eyes his designs are so gorgeous.)
For the Oscars (they’re coming up!) I might wear a gown by Nanette Lepore or Gypsy Moon.
“If it was my coronation, I’d probably wear a bear skin adorned with the skulls of my enemies.”
LOL, Jane!!! I think you should do something like that for the next Beau Monde soiree…
If I was headed to the Oscars, there was a pink satin Dolce and Gabbana gown in the latest “Vogue” that would be perfect! For the inauguration, I know what I would NOT do, and that’s follow Mariah Carey’s fashion example. Yowza. 🙂
If I was headed to the Oscars, there was a pink satin Dolce and Gabbana gown in the latest “Vogue” that would be perfect!
Ah, yes! I saw that one. Petal pink and white seems to be the new “hot” spring/summer faves. There were so many beiges at the Globes. Though, I’d put a slightly stronger pink (no, no, not Ms. Wee’s fave color) on you, if I were dressing you.
If it was my coronation, I’d probably wear a bear skin adorned with the skulls of my enemies.
Intimidation will always get you, er, ahead. 🙂 So…does your next book feature hawt neanderthals?
“Hot nerds of the White House” — I love it! Now we just gotta get Todd there, and there will be one more.
Er, they might even allow Todd to build his time machine in the underground tunnels of the White House. And see, then the two of you could bring Regency fashion back into prez inaugural balls.
I wasn’t 100 per cent for Michelle’s inauguration outfit. Loved the color, but not the bling.
The photograph of her ball gown really does show it off well. I liked the flowery things all over it.
My sister is a docent at The American History Museum and does special tours that include the First Ladies’ gowns. I’ve seen them a bunch of times, but must go to see Michelle’s up close.
I’m with Susan – lose weight and wear red! Jill Biden did it and so should I.
Hey, if it is on display in July at RWA time we should all traipse over there and look at it! 🙂
I wish I could get away with a gown like Jill Biden’s–she looked great.
I loved Michelle’s outfits–she has such a sense of style!
I think if I’d gone to this inauguaration I might have worn Depends.
huh…. wear? as in, dress up?
Yikes, that would be kinda… well… erm…
I think I would be sick and watch over the tv instead–shorts and tank tops don’t go over well during coronations, I don’t think.
Ooh, late to the post party, but thanks for all the pix, Amanda!
I would diet like a fiend so I could fit into my grandmother’s most fabulous gown, this black and white satin thing.
Cara wrote:
“Hot nerds of the White House” — I love it! Now we just gotta get Todd there, and there will be one more. 🙂
Awww…your check is in the mail! 🙂
Keira wrote:
Er, they might even allow Todd to build his time machine in the underground tunnels of the White House. And see, then the two of you could bring Regency fashion back into prez inaugural balls.
Who’s to say I haven’t already?!!