Much as I love Hot Guys (except Brad Pitt, of course), what does that have to do with the Regency?
Never mind……. Who Cares? Megan’s Hot Guys blog was one of our most popular. Goodness, Megan received 30 comments! (nine of them from me complaining about Brad Pitt)
In any event, I am, you know, always striving to be relevant and true to our quest to learn and share as much as possible about the Regency; therefore, today I am presenting to you my
Regency Hot Guys
These images were gathered on my 2005 England trip. I took photos of paintings and miniatures everywhere we went. If I had been organized, I would also have recorded who these gentlemen were, but, alas, when have I ever been organized?
Vote for your favorite! Those of you who pick first can claim the gentleman, as we all claimed our favorites on Megan’s blog.
Number One: Who else but Beau Brummell?
Number Two: The Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know, Lord Byron
Number Three: This fellow looks (gasp!) Victorian, but maybe you fancy all that facial hair.
Number Four: Perhaps you cannot resist a man in uniform.
Number Five: Or maybe this sensitive Regency fellow pushes your “hot” button.
Number Six: Maybe you prefer a man who is more serious.
Number Seven: Or you might like your Hot Guy to be a little more…Georgian, so you can run your fingers through his powdered hair.
Number Eight: Or perhaps you like him to be very Georgian. Nothing like a Hot Guy dressed in pink.
Number Nine: Now here’s a fellow I would call the “Sean Penn” of the Regency.
Number Ten: Last, but definitely not least, is this intense young man. Do you go for that long-haired type?
Okay! Time to vote.
And if you can identify any of my Regency Hot Guys (besides Brummell and Byron, I mean) please do so. You won’t get a prize but I’ll be grateful.
Okay, I do love me some Georgian men. (It’s all the Scarlet Pimpernel’s fault–a fearless intelligent man in a frock coat, with a sword, swoon!)
I don’t mind the red heels, the wigs, the powder, but I have to say–I’m drawing the line at Mr. ALL PINK SILK!
Is number 6 the sixth duke of Devonshire?
-Michelle Butler
Hi, Michelle!!!
You are so smart. A little exploring and I discovered that you are correct. Number 6 is the 6th Duke of Devonshire, Georgiana’s son, known as the bachelor duke….
Here’s a link (altho I don’t know how to make it a hyperlink)
Deb, I thought this fellow looked splendid in pink….He’s the Pink of the Ton!!!
Ack–I was just asking for that one, Diane!
I like pink, but jeez….
And that guy does look like Sean Penn! Weird!
I’ll take number ten and a side order of number six please! Trust you, O Divine One, to come up with ten hot Regency guys!! Of course Byron is and always will be mine, but only in a deeply spiritual sense. (Not to mention the fact that the thought of taking on Caroline Lamb scares the crap out of me!)
I have to go with Beau. I have a picture of me next to that statue from my November trip to England.
I’m rather partial to Number Ten myself, O Doggy One. He looks a bit devilish.
We visited Newstead Abbey on that trip, Byron’s estate and the engraving of him was hanging there.
Georgie, wasn’t it fun to just come upon that statue? Like running in to the Beau himself.
Deb, I agree with your love of the Scarlet Pimpernel, but ack, the powdered hair and the frou-frou. While I may find Gerogette Heyer’s Avon a compelling figure, I prefer men in full-length trousers.
Since there’s plenty of fighting over Number Ten, I’ll have to settle (sigh) for Number Nine.
Are pictures of Hot Guys in various guises going to an RR theme for the week started on Friday?
Hi, Keira,
Are pictures of Hot Guys in various guises going to an RR theme for the week started on Friday?
I don’t know….but I wouldn’t complain if it were!!!
Great post, Diane! I can’t even vote, I can only think of more entries. How could the list be complete without this guy? And how could you forget this one?
Keira, we didn’t agree on a theme but come to think of it, my Wednesday post will have a few hot guys in it!
I didn’t forget (sigh!) Wellington, bonified Wellington groupie that I am, or our peerless Bertie the Beau (who looks suspiciously like Lord Grantham)but I limited myself to Hot Regency Guys whom I was able to photograph on that 2005 England trip.
Oh geez, there’s going to be a fight over Mr number 9. . . 🙂 He’s my choice, for sure! 🙂
Lois, a duel at dawn to choose who gets to have Number Nine. While I could say first one gets the man, I’ll be generou and duel you for the privilege. Your choice of weapons: pistols or foils.
I limited myself to Hot Regency Guys whom I was able to photograph on that 2005 England trip.
Well then I’ll put in a word for Number 5–he looks intelligent which always does it for me. 🙂
I am sorry to say I’m no good at identifying them!
Watch out, Lois, Keira is an experienced duelist.
Elena, obviously I couldn’t identify them either!! I’m sure some of them were identified in the tour, but some, like Number Nine, I think I just came across and took the photo. Since the oh-so-smart Michelle B knew the 6th Duke of Devonshire, I’m reasonably sure that I took that photo in Chatsworth. (I’m going to pretend I made him Number 6 as a hint that he was the 6th Duke…)
Thank you, my esteemed Mme Greene, for mentioning my beauty in your comment! I am quite pink with delight. (And highly attractive in that shade, too, unlike certain gentlemen pictured here.)
our peerless Bertie the Beau (who looks suspiciously like Lord Grantham)
Ah! Thereby hands a tale. Or tail. Or something.
Sly old Tommy Robinson, who became Lord Grantham, was an ugly fellow, and so paid a certain artist of our mutual acquaintance to draw me and put Lord Grantham’s name on it.
After all, when that drawing was done, Grantham was thirty-five years old! Now, I ask you — is that the face of an older gentleman? Or is that the face of a flawless young man of twenty-two?
If you look in your soul (or my looking-glass) you will know the answer.
Bertie, Beau as always
I totally love Byron. I’d share, though.
Thanks for the time-appropriate eye-candy, Diane!
Number Five gets my vote, too, Elena. He not only looks intelligent, but like he carries secrets.
Oddly enough, Victorian Guy looks like he possesses a wicked sense of humor. Perhaps he wouldn’t be too put out if he woke up sans whiskers!
Now watch, he’ll turn out to be some famous prosecuting barrister.
Hmm. . . I have neither pistols or swords (though I could borrow Darth Vader’s lightsaber). . . how about chocolate? We could always see who eats the most chocolate (and doesn’t explode) will be the winner? 😉