Greetings from the Enchanted Kingdom of the Mighty Mouse where this Risky is battling technology with a new camera and the internet of our grandfathers. Suffice it to say that we endured the worst shuttle service ever from airport to hotel as Carolyn so eloquently reported yesterday, and we had a real fun time at the Beau Monde Conference yesterday.

Here are pics of Riskies at the Literacy Signing last night. For some reason I found Carolyn extremely difficult to photograph–I think she’s a vampire–I kept missing the top of her head.

And note the blue banners denoting that both Carolyn and Amanda are RITA nominees–more to report on that later. The awards ceremony is Saturday night.

After a day of stimulating workshops–I don’t believe anyone slept through mine, and I was awake and on my feet which is always good for a presenter–we changed into Regency finery for an evening of incompetent dancing, gambling away our estates, and gossip.

If you’re attending the Conference, please join us for breakfast tomorrow morning!