I spotted this on someone’s Facebook timeline, and had to share–I am so grateful to my local libraries, and still remember the ‘whoosh’ of excitement when it was Library Day at my elementary school. I would borrow as many books as I could carry, even though one of the librarians told me I couldn’t possibly read that many books in one week.

I could.

I’m in Brooklyn without my son, who’s off having adventures–I’ve been working on A Hero’s Return, the next Loveswept book after Hero of My Heart, and am preparing to write the black moment–where he asks her to forsake what she is planning to do to be with him, and she says no–and that takes a lot of fortitude, so it’s taking me awhile as it builds in my brain.

But with the son gone, I hope to be able to get a lot more work done on this. Not to mention more date time with the husband, more outside time at night, and maybe more shoe shopping. And more reading? The worse thing about being a writer is that you suddenly don’t get to do enough reading–thankfully, I still commute to and fro work, and have waiting time in airports and such, so I still sneak as much as I can.

I’m currently reading Anne Bronte’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. What are you reading?
